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January 31, 2007 - Wednesday

Rainy. All day.

Remember last night I talked about how lovely the weather had been? Well, today it changed. It rained all day, and not light little showers either, it was quite strong rain.

This morning I got up long enough to tape the news before crashing again on the couch. I slept for hours. I was so tired, and since the weather was awful I really didn't feel like going anywhere anyway. When I finally got up, I checked email and watched my TV shows from yesterday. I watched last night's Doctor Who. It was about the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. It was neat to see parts of it on the TV. (Okay, the show itself wasn't about the coronation, but it was one of the catalysts of the story.) I also finally updated my book page for the new year as I finished my book very late last night! Yay me. I watched my Cold Case as well. I'm getting to like that show. I found out that one of the actors is Canadian. I was really surprised. I remember him from a lot of Canadian TV. He's looking a lot bigger in this show though.

I wanted to go out when hubby wasn't around (to do a little Valentine shopping you know) so I got his bike out and took it to the bike shop, planning just to drop it off on the way by and pick it up on the way back. Well, the bike shop man made me come in, sit down and wait. I didn't really mind as I like watching people do this kind of work, and I have no idea how to change a spoke. It took about 20 minutes and he was very thorough. He made the spoke fit, and even took the wheel off and it looked like he checked the balance of the wheel too. The person that fixed my husband's bike today is the same man that has been fixing my bike for the almost 10 years that I've been here. He's an older gentleman, his son owns the adjoining shop which sells motorcycles. He's always been really nice to me. If we had bought our bikes at his shop (like I wanted to) I bet they wouldn't have spent so much time in his shop! One thousand yen later, he sent me on my way. Now, bear in mind that this was not my regular bike, but my husband's. It felt a bit funny riding away. I realized when I stopped at a crossing that the back tire was flat. Argh! I knew there was a bike shop up ahead in a couple of blocks so I decided to go there. When I got there, I could see a low light in the store, but no people. I went around the side and the curtains were drawn. I didn't knock. I got a bad feeling, plus I had just rewatched Silence of the Lambs a couple of nights ago so I didn't want to go into creepy places by myself. I just walked the bike to S-Mall.

At the mall, I had a cappucino and a sandwich, then went and looked at Valentine's goodies. I got something for my Valentine and some chocolates for my students. I looked in the 100 yen shop and debated between getting a can of compressed air to blow up my tire or a tire pump. I decided on the air. I have a good pump at home so I don't need another one. I got it, and left the mall.

I managed to use the canned air. I wasn't able to read the directions, but whatever I did with the stuff seemed to work. It did blow up the tire quite a bit. It wasn't hard like I usually have it, but it was much better than when I came to the mall. I biked off home, being extra careful because there's no light on the bike and it was already dark. I made it.

Fumihiko was already home when I got there. We had some coffee and then went out to Gusto for dinner. After dinner we went grocery shopping. We went to Max Valu for a few things, chiefly sunflower seeds and avocados, then our regular store for tomorrow night's dinner.

We came home and spent a fairly quiet evening together. We watched the Housewives again tonight, and I loved it! It was funny. Gabrielle and Carlos are going to adopt a stripper's baby, but I have the feeling that she's taking them for a ride, Bree woke up in a closed department store and Susan had more man troubles. Fun.

Hubby and I had a bit of a not quite seeing eye to eye spat tonight too. Not really a spat, just not quite getting along, not an argument either. I think this weather isn't good for his back at all. He's been using a lot of sticky plasters on his back too, poor thing. He's allergic to them when he wears them as much as he does. His skin is all red underneath them.

Anyway, I had a mostly good day, but not great because of the rain and the cranky husband! Tomorrow I'm cooking dinner and I think making soup. Yum yum! Night night.


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