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January 30, 2007 - Tuesday

Warm and sunny. Is this winter?

I had a good if busy day today. I got up at a reasonable time, had a cup of coffee and showered. I came back and watched the news which I'd taped. I did computer stuff for a bit and then cooked my breakfast/lunch.

I left for work a bit after 12:45. I had to walk today as my bike is being repaired and Fumihiko didn't take his in to be repaired yet. It was a nice walk. I detoured through the 7-11 for something to eat later as my lunch. I got to the school, changed and set up.

I had three lessons today and they all went quite well. I had a lesson early on, then a long break. If I'd had my bike I would probably have gone out for lunch, but as it was I was quite happy to stay in. I used my break to plan 2 classes and have lunch so it wasn't wasted time. After I finished classes Fumihiko texted me and asked if I was done. Since I was, I asked him to come and get me.

We went for dinner to Cocos. It was okay, but not great. I did have some nice iced coffee drinks though. And their hot erengi salad. That's nice.

We came home and spent a quiet night in front of our mutual computers. Really, that's all we did. I taped Dr Who and I'll watch it tomorrow.

At the moment I'm watching Clash of the Titans. I never seen all of it. I've seen bits and bobs of it, and after tonight I can say I still haven't as I missed the beginning. Maybe I didn't miss that much.

Anyway, tomorrow is my day off so I'm hoping to take Fumihiko's bike in to get fixed and then go to the mall and buy something for Valentine's Day for a certain someone. Maybe.

At the moment we are having the most incredible weather. It's warm and sunny, there's no snow in the city. There is a bit on the mountains around us, but not here. I hope that there will be enough moisture this year for the farmers though. I'm not sure if it's like Canada where if we don't have enough snow there are real problems during the summer. I hope not. After all, we don't have the rainy season in Alberta...Thank goodness.

Got to go, night night!


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