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February 1, 2007 - Thursday

Snow. Snow. Snow. Did I mention snow?

An okay day today. I got up early and looked out onto a white world. I went back to bed as soon as possible and let my husband deal with it on his own! I did get up when my alarm rang...well, one of the times it rang I did anyway. I watched the news, made the bed and then took my shower.

After my shower I worked on my soup. I put in a Friends dvd and laughed my way through chopping up onions, mushrooms, broccoli and cabbage. I put everything in my crockpot after I'd sweated it a bit in my frypan. It took ages to do and I even cheated by using some precut veggies (which I cut even smaller). I used my leftover stock from last week too.

It was after 2 pm today before I first got to my computer! It's strange and true. After 3 I had to start making my brunch so I really didn't spend much time on it, in the early part of the day.

I couldn't ride my bike today because of the snow, so I walked to my school. It wasn't too bad. It was a bit windy. I realized that I really could have biked if I'd wanted, but it might not have been a good idea. It was slippery in places. When I got to my school I checked the parking place. Safe! I didn't have to shovel snow. I went in.

I was mostly set up for today's class anyway so I changed, prepared another lesson and then taught my class when my student came. We had a good class. We talked about food again. It was nice. Afterwards, I texted Fumihiko and let him know that I was finished. He called me back and then picked me up a few minutes later.

We stopped at a drug store on the way home for more toilet paper* and sweetener for my coffee. I picked up a couple of pairs of socks there. They look warm and fuzzy for winter in the house, but the pair I have on are a bit low in the back. They don't cover my ankles. Sigh. Warm though.

When we came home I got dinner ready. I put the chicken in the frypan, set the table and made tea. Whew. Fumihiko did, well, he opened the salad bag. Does that count? He was tired again today. I ladled out some soup and then we started to eat. The soup was really good, even if I say so myself. The mushrooms that I had put in really did add flavour this time. I can't say I've ever put them in before. It had a nice consistency too, and the veggies weren't quite as soft as last time, but they were enough to be soupy. We had fried chicken and salad for our second course and it was also nice. Tonight's meal got good reviews. The only sour note for me was that Fumihiko started washing the dishes before I even finished eating. I felt rushed, like I had to hurry up and finish so he could wash my plate. He didn't say that of course, but it kind of upset me. I'd worked on that meal and I wanted to enjoy it. I don't gobble my food down like some people do.

Anyway, I pretty much spent the rest of the night on my computer, except for the few minutes when I helped hubby do a skin treatment on his hands. His hands are really rough and damaged right now. He's been using some of my Body Shop Hand Rescue cream (I gave it to him because I'm allergic to the smell) but I suggested that he do an intensive treatment. I got some stuff in Yamagata city years ago and I've only used it once. It's like a mask for your hands. You wash and dry them then slather it on and leave the cream for 20 minutes. After that, you wash off the treatment and moisturize as usual. He said that his hands feel better now, so that's a good thing!

Earlier, I marked the words toilet paper with an asterisk. Why? Well, I've decided to start a month long rant series and today's rant is about TP!

The Daily Rant

Why does toilet paper* need to be perfumed? It doesn't smell bad before it's used and after it's used we flush it, so why so we need to perfume it? Personally I don't use it and then smell it! (Does anybody?)

I can think of a major reason not to perfume it. Like many people I've developed a few allergies as I've gotten older. I don't particularly want to use a product in my delicate areas that may cause me to break out into a rash or something equally painful.

So, note to more perfume in the toilet paper please.



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