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February 2, 2007 - Friday

Snowy again, with lots of wind.

Today was okay. I got up at a reasonable time and just relaxed this morning. I made the bed and drank my coffee and just felt glad that I wasn't outside. I accepted a book delivery for dear hubby during the day too. I cooked my brunch a bit later than I meant to, and set off for work. I debated wearing my hiking shoes or my rubber boots and chose the shoes. I'm glad I did. They're waterproof and far more comfortable than my boots. They're also warmer. I wore a jacket with a hood under my coat, and a woolen hat. I had on my neck warmer too. I pulled it up to my mouth level, and when the wind got bad I put it over my nose and mouth. That felt kind of weird though.

I made good time and got to the school in 20 minutes or so. I grabbed my shovel and did a little bit of shoveling in the parking lot. I didn't have to do much, at that stage of the day, the snow wasn't really staying on the ground.

I prepared my class and then the student came and we had an okay lesson. He's doing better in some respects, but in others he isn't. He keeps trying to put his feet up on my table. I'm not impressed. Today's target was "Don't" so I got to use it a few times with him!

After class I contacted Fumihiko to see if he could come and get me. He was still working. He said he wouldn't be done for a long time, so I decided to walk home. I dressed myself back in my lovely winter clothing and set off. It was much better going home than it was coming to my school. The weather wasn't great, but the wind wasn't blowing in my face anymore. I also made a detour into a drugstore for some sugarfree chocolate and hair mousse, so I had a chance to get out of the cold for a bit.

I got home and heated up my soup from yesterday. I thought I might want some later. I also had a bit of a snack while it was heating. I watched today's Cold Case, which was pretty good. Today's murder took place in 82...the year I graduated from High School if memory serves. I enjoyed it.

Fumihiko came home around 9 and we had some soup. It was good! It's always better the next day I think. After we had our bowl of soup we went out for dinner to M's Dining. We had a quite nice meal there.

We hit the grocery store on the way home for coffee creamers and wasabi. I like avocados with wasabi so I go through a lot of wasabi!

We came home and had a quiet evening at home. We've both got to work tomorrow. Hubby has a full day but I just have one class as the other Saturday class cancelled tonight. It's sad, but I get to come home the daytime! Yay. Still, I have to get there quite early and I probably should shovel my parking space so it won't be all fun.

And that was my day. It was pretty good actually. Now it's time for....The Daily Rant! (Please note that I am accepting topics to rant about during the month of February)

Today's rant....From my January copy of Marie Claire....Size 00 women. Ummm....why? Why on earth would anyone like to look like a skeleton? Models and actresses keep getting tinier and tinier as the general population of North America and the UK gets bigger. What's with that? As I wrote last year when I saw The Devil Wears Prada, a size 6 is fat? Pulllllleeeeeeezzzzzeeeeee. I may have been a size six when I was 4, but never since them. Yes, I'm "large" but I can't help wanting to force feed some of the waifs that "grace" the magazine pages. I'm certainly not jealous. Fashion designers tell us that it's easier for women to lose weight than it is for them to make stylish clothes for us. If that's really the case, they can't be very good designers then, can they?

Come back tomorrow and I'll likely have something else to rant about. Night!


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