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February 3, 2007 - Saturday

Clear and sunny in the early part of the day, rain with thunder and lightning later on.

I had a fast morning! I woke up, showered and then did computer stuff while I watched the news that I'd taped. I started to make breakfast around 10:30. I left the apartment around 11:30. I decided to bicycle, since it was nice and sunny and a lot of the road was clear. I did have to pump up the back tire a bit more though. I did that and went on my way.

I had one lesson and the student was great. She was happy and did what she was supposed to and we had a good time. After she left with her mum, I changed out of my work clothes and came home via the convenience store.

At home I watched a couple of movies on WOWOW. First up was Broken Arrow with Christian Slater. I used to like him in a serious way. I guess I still do a little, or I would if he ever got good parts anymore. After that as The Fantastic Four. I'd seen it when it came out. It wasn't great, but was fun. I like that it didn't take itself too seriously. I turned off the TV for a bit after that and waited for my husband. And waited. And waited. And waited. I got a call from him finally around 10. He was finally finished work. He got home a bit later. Poor guy.

We went out to dinner at Cocos. I had their 'dragon's breath" burger, the gorgonzola one, but you know, I have the sneaking suspicion that they forgot to put the cheese on it! It didn't taste or smell as strongly as they usually do! It was good, but I was a tad surprised.

We came home and at midnight I watched a Grey's Anatomy. I'm trying to get into the show. I really like Sandra Oh, and I liked Katherine Heigl from her Roswell days, so I'm enjoying it. I'm not sure if Patrick Dempsey really is "McDreamy" though. I remember his Can't Buy Me Love days!

Fumihiko went to bed a while ago. He's got to work tomorrow too. I think I'll sleep in, because I can tomorrow. After that, I'm not sure. I might get my hair cut, I might watch lame movies, I might go for a cappucino. I'm just not sure yet. A lot depends on the weather. If it's nice, it's easy to pursuade myself to go out, if it isn't I'll likely stay home.

And, one more thing that I'm not sure about, I'm not sure if I'll be blogging tomorrow night or not. If I don't, please don't worry. It'll likely mean that I'm being whisked away for a little birthday treat, but I'm not sure if that'll happen or not.

And now, it's time for ... The Daily Rant

My husband's wallet is very thick. I bet you are thinking, "Wow, that's great! He's got a lot of money." Nope. He's got a lot of stamp cards from businesses and restaurants. He's got membership cards, health insurance cards, and point cards. You name it, and it's in his wallet. I don't like membership cards and try hard to only take them for stores that I plan to shop at more than once, but not my husband. Every store has one. And, sad to say, but some of them are just darn silly. For example, our grocery store has a stamp card for people who bring their own bags. Yup, if you bring your own bags 24 times you can get 100 yen. Now, I understand all about recycling and I generally do a lot, but 100 yen? Why not give me a chance for a decent prize? It's annoying. In my wallet I do have a few cards that I use fairly often. Let's see, I have my drug store card(I'm not sure what I can get with that, but I go fairly often), my bank card, my post office account card, my Canadian credit card, my Alien Registration Card, my new karaoke box card, and our movie theatre cards. I keep them, because hubby knows they'd go missing in his wallet! I also have a couple of business cards, my own and my brother-in-law's. It sounds like a lot, but not compared to my husband.

Now then, if you have a restaurant that people go to quite often, fine, have a card, if you're a store that people use every day, fine. But, if you run something like a shoe store where people only go and buy shoes once or twice a year, do you really really need to give out a stamp card? And if you do need to, could you at least make the reward worth my carrying the card around all the time?

Night folks!


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