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February 10, 2007 - Saturday


Today was a pretty good day. I got up around 9:30 and took my shower. Then, Fumihiko and I went out to eat. He had to work today too, but not all day. That was kind of nice. We could spend a bit of time together. We had an okay breakfast at Gusto.

He dropped me off and my school and I got ready. Things were mostly ready from last night, I just went over everything one more time, then I got ready. Both classes that I had today went well. The second one was a bit more difficult for the students, but they both work hard and did well. After they left, I finished my paperwork and called Fumihiko.

He picked me up and we went to Tsukiya for a light meal. He wanted to go and see a movie tonight, so we went home and checked the movie schedule on the net. After a bit of computer time we drove out to the mall. We bought some new light bulbs for our living room and our spare bedroom, and then had another meal. It wasn't a success, sad to say. Fumihiko didn't finish his meal and my steak was really tough. The drink bar was good though. I had a nice cup of assam tea. I think it's not common in drink bars.

When we finished eating we went upstairs and did a bit of window shopping. Then, we went in to the theatre. Fumihiko got the tickets and I got the drinks and popcorn. Buying stuff at the theatre can be easy or it can be difficult. Tonight was easy. Yeah. The clerk that served me has served me before and he even remembered my usual popcorn flavour. There is a female clerk that always freezes when I come to her wicket and she always misunderstands what I say. My Japanese isn't that bad, especially when I'm ordering things like food.

Fumihiko wanted to see The Guardian. I make the poor guy go to movies that he doesn't really like or isn't interested in, so I thought it was time that I let him see one that he wanted to see. As you might expect, he liked the movie and I didn't. It's not that it was terrible, it's that they were trying to do too much in the movie and left a lot of things out. There were too many set ups, and not enough payoffs.

After the movie we came back to Tsuruoka and had a cappucino at Mosburgers. It was pretty good. Then, home. At home we watched the tail end of Grey's Anatomy and then Prison Break. I started watching that one midway through the series, but I kind of like it. Fumihiko is now watching some weird Japanese movie and seems to be enjoying it, so I can't begrudge him. It's when he has awful stuff on and then doesn't watch it that I get frustrated!

No idea what we'll do tomorrow, but I hope it's fun. Talk to you tomorrow night, most likely.

The Daily Rant

I love movies. A well made movie, with a good script and actors can be a wonderful thing. I love watching good movies of all genres. Some of my favourite movies over the last few years have been so-called "kid's movies". I've loved Toy Story and Toy Story 2, Beauty and the Beast, Babe, Whale Rider, Holes, and the entire Harry Potter series of films.

Occasionally, people talk about a movie and say, "Well, it's not very good, but it's okay for kids." That really irritates me. How are children going to become discerning movie-goers if they are fed a constant stream of bad movies? Why is it okay to make bad movies for children? Do we want this generation of children to be stupid? Willing to accept drivel?

If people are worried about the "dumbing down" of the coming generations, have a look at the entertainment that's being provided for them. I could give you a list of titles of suspect films, but I haven't seen any of them.



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