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February 9, 2007 - Friday

Cold and clear.

Today was okay. This morning around 7:45 the phone rang. It was my student calling to cancel her class today. Sigh. Still, that gave me a lot of time to do things at home. Yay.

When I got up I watched the news and then did three loads of laundry. I didn't do much else, but I relaxed.

Around 3:30 I made and ate lunch, but when 4 pm came along I didn't watch Cold Case. I let it tape. I left the apartment and got to the school right at 5:00 pm. I had an hour to get ready for my class. I did and it went okay. The student was pretty good for the first half of the class, but lost a bit of interest towards the end. Still, he seemed to learn the material.

After class I called hubby and asked him to come and get me. He did, but he forgot to take his bike out of the car trunk first. He said he'd go home and drop off his bike and then come back and get mine, but I said that I'd just ride home myself. It wouldn't take long and my bike's light works so there was no problem.

I rode home and enjoyed it. It was clear and cool, so it didn't bother me at all. When I got home, Fumihiko started to cook dinner. He made miso soup, chawanmushi, and ginger pork. I made a salad (I really made this one, it wasn't from a bag!) and some coffee. I set the table too, so we both helped with dinner. It was lovely to have dinner made for me, but...the chawanmushi was overcooked and the pork was cold when I got it. Still, it all tasted good and I have to give hubby a big E for Effort. He did well.

After dinner, he did the dishes, even though I thought that I should have. I did offer, but he wouldn't let me. Oh darn!

And that was it. When hubby took his bath I watched Cold Case. It was interesting today. It was their oldest case. The murder took place in 1932...and was about two young women who fell in love. It was further complicated by the fact that one was white and one was black. The guest star was Piper Laurie of Twin Peaks and Carrie fame.

Our heater is still giving us grief. We change the air, we've checked the air vents, we've taken out kerosene, but nothing seems to help. I have no idea why it keeps beeping. It's very annoying.

And now, The Daily Rant.

Something that really bugs me is when you have a tube of something like lip balm and it breaks. I have a tube of some nice stuff sitting on my desk, but it broke the other day. I have to try to get the lid open without the goopy stuff inside falling out and rolling down my clothes. Why can't they make foolproof containers? Or breakproof balms?

And in a related rant, how come there is always some kind of residue left in the bottom of the tube? With lipstick we're told that you should use a lipstick brush and dig it out. I've done that and it works well. But for something a little softer like lip balm, what should we do? And then, there's my deodorant tube. When it gets close to being finished, it breaks and falls everywhere. I use the bigger pieces for as long as I can (mine's a solid) but then what? And, how do I get the rest out of the tube? Should I use a paint brush? At least it would tickle my fancy...or my underarms!

Night everyone!


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