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February 16, 2007 - Friday

Snowy in the morning, clearing later on.

Today was nice, if a bit busy. I got up at a goodly time and did my usual morning stuff. I made breakfast early for myself and then headed off for the school. It wasn't a bad walk, just a bit windy with snow flying in my face.

At the school, I did have to do a little bit of snow moving today. It wasn't too bad though. Half of my parking space was completely clear, the other half had a bit of slushy snow on it. I moved the snow and then went inside. I was mostly ready for class, but I doubled checked everything again. When my student came we had class. It went quite well.

I had a long break after her class, but I wasn't idle! I planned her next class, planned the child's class for later on and did some paperwork. I went out to get some food. I thought I'd go to one of the nearby drugstores to see what they had. I went to one that I don't usually go to and they had a mini-grocery store, so I was able to get some yogurt and a few other things to keep me going. It was nice to get out of the school. By this time, the snow had stopped and it had warmed up. There wasn't much wind so it was a good break in the middle of my day.

My child class happened and went okay. He does well at some things, but he forgets things easily. After he left, I got out my lesson folder for the last student of the day. At her appointed time I got a phone call. She couldn't come tonight. She was still working. We scheduled another class during next week for her, and then rang off.

I did a bit of cleaning up at that point, finished up my class notes and then set off on my merry way. I visited a convenience store on the way home for some coffee creamers and then went to Bronco for dinner. It's the first time I went there by myself, but it was fine. I was given a good, big table and got on fine. I had one of their steak dinners. It was quite nice. Afterwards, I paid and then set off for home again.

When I got home I turned on the heater and got into my pyjamas right away. Then I plunked myself down at my computer and spent most of the night there. Hubby had a party tonight...some sporting thing...and didn't get home until after midnight. He was a little inebriated to say the least. He's already in bed. I honestly don't begrudge him the time away. If I'm really honest, I'd say that I want him to go out more. He spends so much time with me that I feel smothered at tmes.

And that was my day.Tomorrow I have 2 classes and I have to start early. Fumihiko is off work, but the daft twit scheduled his dental appointment for the time that he should be taking me to work, so he'll have to take me there quite early. Oh well. More reading time I guess. (And I really DO appreciate getting a ride to work.)

The Daily Rant

I am a caffeine addict. There, I've said it. I love coffee, I love tea and I even love Diet Coke. But, caffeine has a terrible effect on me. I can't sleep if I drink it late in the day and at other times it causes me to ummm, how to put this nicely, visit the ladies room quite often. In Canada when I'm there, every restaurant that I go to has decaffeinated coffee, so I can drink my coffee and get my beauty sleep too. If I have a hankering for a soda without caffeine or sugar in Canada I can get lots. There's Root Beer, Sprite, Seven-Up, you name it. But, here in Japan, nada.

When I go to a restaurant, if I want coffee I have to take regular coffee. Even most of the major coffee shops don't serve decaffeinated coffee. Locally, I can buy decaffeinated coffee beans in one store. I can't drink it in their store unless it happens to be one of the brews of the day.

Starbucks seems to be the only coffee shop in Japan that will let me order decaffeinated coffee to drink. They make it specially on order in a coffee press. It's good, but ironically, when I go to Starbucks I never drink decaffeinated coffee. I'm too busy drinking Frappucino Lights!

Night night.


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