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February 15, 2007 - Thursday

Snowy and windy all day.

Today was a nasty day weather-wise. We've had extremely strong winds for the last couple of days and today it started to snow. I know I shouldn't be upset, it's February after all, but I've been enjoying the clear weather this month.

Today was okay. I got up early, did lots of computer stuff, watched Elektra on the TV and then wished I hadn't. Weird little movie. Terence Stamp and Jennifer Garner were so much better than their material. Must have needed the rent money!

The big news for me is that I watched 2 episodes of Jamie's School Lunches. Jamie Oliver is a young, quite good looking and irreverent English chef. He swears a lot. I mean -- a LOT! But, he loves cooking and helping people to eat healthy food. He's taken on a project in this series. He wants to make British school lunches much healthier. When he showed what the kids were eating it was upsetting. I had a few years in the British school system 30 something years ago and the food was pretty good. Now, it's just chips and processed food. Yuck. I haven't seen the whole series, so I have no idea what's going to happen but on the two shows I have seen he's worked miracles! He got kids at one school to eat salad and real chicken. No processed nuggets. I enjoyed the show so much that I told hubby all about it over dinner and then made him watch it when we came home. He liked it too!

I biked off to the school around 5 and got busy. I hadn't gone yesterday to set the heater so the school was cold. I turned on the air-con heater, and my oil heater, started the washing machine to wash towels and then started to vacuum the classroom. The power promptly went out. With the strong wind out there I wasn't sure if it was the power in the apartment, the building, the neighbourhood, or the city. I found my flashlight, checked the fuse box, but still couldn't be sure. I'm so short that I couldn't see if it had gone off or not. I poked my head out the door and noticed that the house across the street still had lights. So did the building I was in. Aha! I must have blown the breaker. I reset it, and there was light again. I didn't run so many appliances at once and managed to finish the vacuuming.

My class tonight went well. We talked about 3 world cities, New Orleans, Vienna and Liverpool. I thought it was interesting. I hope my student did too.

After class I finished up and called Fumihiko. He came to get me and we went to Cocos for dinner. We had a good time, but it was busy tonight.

We came home and watched the Jamie Oliver show and just vegged for a while. Fumihiko has a cold and I've got the sniffles which is a bad sign. I hope I don't get it.

Before I rant, I wanted to say a big thank you to all of my readers. The response to yesterday's rant/blog entry was amazing. I really appreciate it. I started this blog a long long time ago and no-one read it, and now I have a growing and supportive community of readers. Thank you all very much!

The Daily Rant...

Something that drives me crazy, and I just spent the last 10 minutes trying to get rid of, is the amount of dirt, dust and hair that gets trapped under the keys on my computer. In the past I tried to blow it out using canned air, but within 30 minutes my husband and I found ourselves gasping and choking in our little bedroom in his house (about 4 years ago). After he read the label to me, it turns out that you're only supposed to use the canned air under well ventilated conditions. Obviously then not a bedroom at 1:00am in winter! In the last year or so, I foolishly attempted to pry off the keys of my iBook to clean underneath. It worked well until one of the little plastic doohickeys broke. I no longer have an "i" key. For some extremely stupid reason I did it again a few months later. I don't have a "w" key now either. After I Googled how to fix it I discovered that iBook keys are not supposed to be pried off. Ooops.

My latest attempt, just now, was to gently use a straightened paperclip to tease the hair/dust/dirt out. It worked, but not completely. I know that there is stuff still lurking underneath. But, it'll just have to stay there for now!



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