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February 17, 2007 - Saturday

Sunny and gorgeous day.

Today was great! I didn't think that it would be, but it really was. I did have to get up and shower much earlier than usual which was okay. I didn't mind too much. Fumihiko had a dental appointment today so he had to take me to my school almost an hour earlier than usual for a Saturday. It wasn't too bad though. I did some photocopying and got things ready. I also got a good few pages of my novel read, so that was nice! I'm currently reading Elizabeth George's With No One As Witness. It's great.

Classes went quite well today too. When they were over, I vegged for a bit, put my non-working clothes on and called hubby. He came to get me and we had a cup of tea (him) and a couple of cups of coffee (me). Then we headed out. He told me that he'd left his glasses at the party last night, so first wanted to go to the venue to see if they were there. The place, a bridal hall, was very busy, this being Saturday and all. They didn't have them, but said they'd call if they turn up.

I was whinging about being hungry. I had eaten an hour earlier than usual today and it was getting close to 6 hours. That's about my limit for spacing my meals. Hubby offered to take me to the Daiichi Hotel. I thought at first he meant for the buffet, but he meant the teppanyaki room. Holy cow! Never one to pass up a good meal I said okay.

We were able to go in right away, even though we didn't have a reservation. We looked at the menu. It was a tad expensive, so I expected Fumihiko to go for the cheapest course, or at most, the middle option. However, the expensive one had Yonezawa beef, so that's the one he picked for us. Wow! I'm just thinking of this as a later Valentines Day present. We had a lovely meal. We had a plate of sashimi like things. There was a slice of smoked salmon there that was just crying for a bagel underneath it. So good. Our second course was a nama ham salad with parmesan cheese. There was something on the side of that plate that we couldn't quite identify, so hubby asked. It was a mixture of mashed sweet potato, orange and apple. It was cold, and the texture was a bit like ice cream. Very unusual, but yum. Then we had suzuki, a type of fish on a bed of veggies. The chef kept coming out to cook the fish or the meat in front of us. That was neat to watch. After we finished the fish, he cooked our steaks. It was very very good. It was tender and everything that a good steak should be, with one exception. It was too salty. Fumihiko noticed while the chef was cooking that he put a lot of salt on the food, and it was saltier than I like. Still it was good. It wasn't so salty that I couldn't eat it. We had a dessert of fruit with a very mild pudding or custard thing. I'm not sure what it was, but it was nice and not too sweet. The only "bad" thing about the whole meal was the people sitting next to me. A young man and woman came in, probably on a date and ordered the same thing as us. They both smoked and were quite loud. It was a bit annoying, especially the smoking part!

We paid and then waddled out to the car. At the car we had a bit of a surprise. There was oil dripping down the front of the car. Fumihiko opened the hood and discovered that today when he'd changed the oil, he'd forgotten to put the oil cap back on. The oil had gotten hot and had gone all over the car bonnet. Luckily the cap was still sitting on part of the engine, so he put it back on, and cleaned it up a bit.

We came home and relaxed for a while. I wanted to watch Jaime's School Lunches and Fumihiko didn't mind, so I did. He fell asleep on it. When the show ended I made coffee. He had one cup and then went to bed. I stayed up and watched back to back CSI shows. I like them, but I think of the two we get I like New York better. I taped Grey's Anatomy for hubby and me to watch later. The last episode was really gripping so I want to see what happens.

And that was it. It was a nice day for me. Hurray. I hope that tomorrow will be good too.

Daily Rant

This may be a little sensitive for some people so I just want to warn you that if you are uncomfortable with the topic of death, don't read any further.

Obituaries in North America, at least where I come from, usually say that the person written about "passed away". I just loathe that phrase. They didn't "pass away", they died. Get used to it. You can hide the reality with the euphemism if you want, but for me, I'm planning on "dying". But not any time soon, so don't be alarmed people! There are a lot of euphemisms that I prefer to "passed away". How about "kicked the bucket", "shuffled off this mortal coil" or even "bought the farm." Researching this article I discovered a new one that I like too. It's care of Monty Python, "pining for the fjords". At least these ones have a bit of life in them!



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