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March 4, 2007 - Sunday

Cloudy day, but reasonably warm.

Today was good. I didn't go to bed at an early time, so I slept in very very late today. Sigh. I'm poised to do it again too, which isn't good.

Fumihiko went out to get his car serviced this morning. I heard him leave, but not come back. I finally heard him making coffee later.

I got up and we ate bagels this morning. Yum. Then we went out for our real lunch. It was too late to hit the restaurant that hubby suggested, so we went to Jiro. It was nice today.

After that, we went to The Chido Museum to see the Hina Dolls. They had some neat ones this year. Not as many as last year, but the ones they had were interesting.

When we finished at the museum, we went to Sakata. Fumihiko lost a pair of his glasses a couple of weeks ago and he needs a replacement pair. I got to go into the room and watch while the doctor did his stuff. It was interesting, and I didn't understand a word. He ordered a new pair of glasses and we headed back to the Mikawa mall.

At the mall, we bought our coffee for the week, plus drank a couple of cappucinos. Then, we went upstairs and got our tickets for Ghostrider. I got the drinks and we had free coupons for popcorn. The movie was...okay. Not terrible. Not great. I'm not familiar with the cartoon so I don't really know if it's close to the original at all. It was nice to see Peter Fonda back in the movies though.

We bought some sunflower seeds at the mall, then headed back to Tsuruoka. We had dinner at a tonkatsu restaurant. It was quite nice. After that, we hit the grocery store and came home.

I suggested watching a movie I taped the other day, Sideways, so that's what we did. It was great. I really enjoyed it, and I think Fumihiko did too. It was nice to see a "little" movie again. It's also interesting to see a movie about male friendship without it being an action movie. How often does that happen anyway?

When Sideways finished I watched my British comedy shows and then a weird movie. Now there's a nature show from Canada about the Malaysian rain forest and the insects that live there.

Today was pretty good actually. I enjoyed going out and enjoyed watching a movie at home.

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes! Night night.


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