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April 25, 2007 - Wednesday

Rainy and miserable. Bit cool too.

I got up at an okay time, showered and then did my internet stuff. I emailed my friend too. She's having a tough time in Canada.

I only had one class today, and it was a little later than yesterday's start so I had a more relaxing "morning." I had thought about running to the post office, but the weather was truly awful, so I stayed home until it was time to go to work.

Today's class went well. The student and I had a good time. After she left I relaxed and had a cup of coffee and read my magazine. It was nice.

I got a bit wet on the way home, but nothing too bad. My Disneyland cape works well to keep me dry on my bike, except where it rides up on my knees as I pedal. I got home and changed out of my wet clothes. I surfed the net and waited for hubby. He came home around 6, but hadn't gone to his mother's yet. He had to go, but apparently his uncle was going to be there to talk about the repairs that need to be done. A likely story!

Fumihiko left to take care of his dog and see his Mum and uncle. While he was gone I searched for some podcasts and found a couple that were quite interesting. One was all about pressure cookers. My Mum had a pressure cooker and did amazing stuff with it. She made all kinds of things in it. The ladies on the podcast were talking about how good it is from an environmental point of view, because things cook very quickly and very well. The other thing they talked about was how they can sometimes explode. (My father worked on oil rigs all over the world. One Christmas Dad had taken us out to his oil rig to have Christmas Dinner with the other crew members and their families. We were eating our middle course, when there was a loud "bang" and soon after we were given fruit cocktail for dessert instead of Christmas pudding. There'd been an accident in the kitchen! It was funny, and the podcast brought back that memory.) I also listened to Quirks and Quarks. It's a really interesting science show from the CBC. Today the host, Bob MacDonald was in Australia talking about Australian animals and science findings. It was very cool. They talked about fossils, Tasmanian Devils (in serious trouble), jelly-fish and a pre-historic pine tree that had somehow survived to present day. That story was particularily interesting to me as I'd taught about it to some of my returnee students back in my Eikaiwa days. I got a bit verklempt at the whole "Canadian-ness" of the show. Even though it was about Australia!

Fumihiko came back close to 9 pm. Sure enough, his uncle and his mother had tried to gang up on him and make him move back into the house. They said that they could convert the room over the garage into a school-room for me. Ummmm..... no. I don't want to live with his mother ever again. And, I'd never use the room over the garage anyway. I'd have to pull down the whole building and rebuild it. My way! So, thanks but no thanks.

We went out for dinner to Cocos. It was fine. I had the teriyaki burger with salad and drink bar, and hubby had tan-tan-mein...which is basically noodles in a sesame sauce.

We came home via the grocery store. We'll cook for the next couple of nights. We haven't figured out which one of us will cook when though. I'm quite busy on Friday, but not so busy tomorrow. It depends on which one of us feels more like it I guess.

And that was that. My day. It was quiet, but I didn't mind that part of it at all. Night night.

Oh, and one more thing...Happy birthday Janet!


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