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April 26, 2007 - Thursday

Windy and cool.

We were woken up this morning by a horrendous thunderstorm right over our heads. Sadly for me, it was only 6:30am and I was dead tired. The storm was really loud. It sounded like there was a typhoon outside, hail and all kinds of nasty things. All of a sudden though, I heard watery noises that sounded like they came from inside our apartment. Oh my gosh. Did I leave a window open? Did the wind force some water into our apartment? I was scared, but I got up to check it out. I found the coffeemaker had just switched itself on...hubby had to get up early today, so had set it really early! How come I'm the one that got up though???

I dozed/slept for a bit longer. At 7:30 the phone rang and then the fax machine tried to work. It made a lot of noise, but nothing seemed to happen so I got up and checked it out. Someone (me) had left their headphones for their computer draped over the fax machine and they were stuck in the paper feeder. I moved the headphones but I couldn't understand the message the fax machine was giving me, so I left it for hubby to deal with. I went back to sleep. I finally dragged my sorry self out of bed around 9:30 and showered.

I had a quiet morning at home, and left for my school around 1 pm. I hadn't heard from my student, so assumed that she'd come as originally planned. Her friend had told me that she'd like to reschedule, but the time she wanted was already taken. I counter offered another time. Anyway, I waited and waited and the student didn't come. I was wondering if the fax was from her. I sent Fumihiko a text to ask him to check the machine when he got home.

I used the time with no student to prepare another lesson for her, and then I tried to take a nap. Now, the thing about my school is that it's a school. Although it's an apartment, I don't have a bed, or any bedding. I did have a lap blanket that I bought so I put it on my floor and tried to sleep. I didn't manage. Anytime that I rolled over, the pain in my side was so severe that I wanted to cry. It didn't help that it sounded like my neighbours were moving out and were making lots of noise either. After a while I gave up, and decided to go out to get a snack.

I went for a quick trip to the grocery store and the convenience store, got a bit of stuff and then came back to the school. I ate, and then did some prep for my next student's class. She did come on time and we had a pretty good lesson. We finished up from last time's topic and so didn't use the lesson I'd prepared. So, I'm up to date for her stuff. Yay.

After class, I got an email from hubby telling me that the fax was from ANA and not from my student, and then I got an email from my student, cancelling her lesson tomorrow. The one that was today. Hmmm. Fumihiko brought me home and I spent a few minutes composing a note for him to email her in Japanese. Then when he looked at it and seemed a bit scared, I re-wrote it and made it very short and polite.

We had a lovely dinner, which Fumihiko made. We'd bought groceries for two nights yesterday, totally forgetting that Fumihiko has to go to a work party tomorrow night! Oh well, I can cook the chicken for myself. If I leave him any, he can have it cold on Saturday!

We spent a quiet evening at home. Fumihiko watched a bit of his Rocky dvd. I think I'll probably be getting him Rocky Balboa for his birthday or anniversary present, depending on which event it comes out closer to. He'll enjoy it!

I'm hoping to get off to bed quite soon as I'm so tired. Last night was not a good night sleep-wise. I went to bed late, my side hurts so I can't get comfortable and then there was the thunderstorm, the coffee maker, and the faxing fiasco. So, don't call me tomorrow. I need my beauty sleep!

Night night!


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