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May 1, 2007 - Tuesday

Sunny with a bit of rain.

An odd day. I went to bed last night, lay there for an hour or so, then got up. I couldn't sleep. I started coughing every time I put my head down. I ended up sleeping for a couple of hours on the couch. I went back to bed and then Fumihiko got up. I managed to fall asleep. He came back home for a bit, then left again. He took the day off work and was taking his mother to the doctor.

I got up briefly, then went back to bed. I slept for a couple of hours, then got up, made the bed and started to do my laundry. I did three big loads. I was just finishing up when Fumihiko came home.

We went out for a quick lunch to Gusto, then to the post office. I had a lot of things to do there. I needed revenue stamps, and to make a payment to my textbook supplier. I also needed to change the address on my post office account. Fumihiko helped me with that.

After that we went to the doctor's office for me. Today I was in a lot of pain and couldn't get comfortable lying down, bending or coughing. I really wanted to go to the doctor's office today. Unfortunately, the first place we went was closed for Golden Week. Oh yay!

We went to another place, another doctor that Fumihiko had gone to when he was sick a few years ago. We went in, had a good history taken, was weighed (ouch) and measured, and even had an X-ray taken. The verdict? I have pneumonia! It's not infectious, so I don't have to worry about giving it to anyone else, but good grief. I'm surprised. I got some medicine and the doctor told me that it'll take a while to get over it. She kept saying, "slowy, slowly" to me. Try telling my husband! The man never slows down. I keep telling him that I can't walk quickly right now because I can't catch my breath, but he doesn't listen.

We came home. After a while Fumihiko went to his Mum's to walk the dog, then he came home again. I kept waiting for him to offer to take me out for dinner, but then I remember that I was cooking tonight! Oops.

We both got involved in the cooking thing. I fried the chicken and boiled the kettle for the instant miso soup, he cooked the weird (but tasty) Japanese vegetable that we had for dinner. Everything was good. Fumihiko did the dishes afterwards, which was a really nice thing, but forgot a few things. Grrr.

In the evening we watched Flight of the Phoenix, then Medium and The 4400. That one was quite good. Fumihiko watched a bunch of bad TV after my stuff finished and I put on a podcast. He's gone to bed now, and I've promised to get there soon. I'm tired because I haven't had a good night's sleep in days. Sigh.

I have some banking to do tomorrow if I'm up to it, and a bit of shopping too.

I'll catch you tomorrow night! Night night.


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