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May 13, 2007 - Sunday

Cloudy with a bit of rain.

A mostly good day today. I got up quite late and had some toast. Toast? ME? Yep. I found some whole wheat bread yesterday at the mall. An ex-student who had lived in Canada and fallen in love with the bread there tipped me off. It was good, but not quite as good as at home. Not whole enough wheat!

We tried a new place for lunch, Booskas, or something like that. We had quite a nice meal, except Fumihiko did have indigestion afterwards. We had their lunch specials. They were okay, but not fabulous. We might try it again to see how it is.

We went shopping for groceries after that. I wanted to buy some taco shells for hubby, but the store that sells them didn't have them. They had complete taco dinner sets, but I don't need that as I already have the taco seasonings. I got some plain taco chips in case we make guacamole again, and some teas for my school. For some reason the caffeine free teas are very popular. (I don't usually like them.) We popped over to the MaxValu then. I wanted to check the frozen foods and see if they had any more quiche. They did...but only two! I bought one. I would have got the other one, but there wasn't enough room in my freezer for it.

We came home, and decided that we'd go fishing after Fumihiko walked his dog. While he was gone, I changed into some warmer clothing so that I could go. However, when he came home, he told me that it had started to rain, so we postponed our trip. We decided to watch a movie instead.

I put on the X-Men movie that we stopped the other night. I started it from the beginning again. I loved it. It was tons of fun. Poor Wolverine. He's really so cool. It's hard to believe that Hugh Jackman wasn't the original actor chosen for the part. He stepped in when the other actor's prior film went over it's scheduled time. Fumihiko calls Wolverine "Freddy" after the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. It bugs me! I love Wolverine.

We went to Benkei tonight for our dinner. It was empty! For a while we were the only customers. We had lots of dishes, and they were great. I like izakaya food. It's easy to order what you like, and you can order as many veggies as you like. We had a salad and some asparagus tonight. Yum.

We came home and just vegged a bit. We enjoyed ourselves and the quiet evening. After midnight I started watching Hard Eight, a movie that I'd heard a lot about from Roger Ebert, but never seen. I ended up watching all of it, and it was great. Very character driven.

Well, that's it for me. I'm quite tired and it's late so I'm off to bed.

But..before I go...a quick poll for my blog...if you had a superpower like the X-Men (or Spiderman), what would it be? Please answer in my comments!



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