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May 17, 2007 - Thursday

Cloudy or rainy all day.

An okay day. Last night my first student today had asked that I put back her class by an hour. I didn't mind so I got to have a little bit more relaxing morning today. I got up at a fairly early time...not as early as yesterday, but still reasonable.

I did my usual stuff, and a load of laundry, then checked email. When lunchtime came around I had an omelette and a bagel with avocado on it. I spread a bit of wasabi on the bagel first, then added the avocado. Mmmmmmm. Heavenly! I watched an episode of Friends while I ate. I'm up to season 10 now. Only 4 more discs left. Sigh.

I went off to the apartment and managed to get there before the rain did. I checked my set up, cued my tape, changed, vacuumed and heated the water. My student came a little early which was nice as we had a chance to chat a bit. We had quite a good lesson considering she hasn't been able to come for more than a month.

I had a break after her lesson, but I did paperwork and did some other things around the school. Around 5:30 I decided I had to get out and get a snack or something so I could survive until dinner! I biked to the convenience store, got some sandwiches, then hit the drugstore for more sweetener. I made it back to the school and parked my bike just as it started to rain quite hard again. Safe!

I ate and did some preparation for my next class. We had a good class, but it's a bit confusing for the student. We're studying the Present Perfect. ACK. I hate grammar. I always have.

I cleaned up after class, set out tomorrow's lesson plan for the first student, then called Fumihiko. He came to get me, and brought me a bag of shopping that I'd bought yesterday and I'd asked him to bring. It was a bit bulky for my backpack. He put it on my table and I put away some of my stuff from the bag, but not all.

We left the school and came home. Fumihiko cooked dinner. I did a little bit, things like putting plates on the table and making coffee. Before dinner, I realized that I didn't have my cellphone. I guessed that I'd left it on the table at my school, under the bag of shopping. After we ate and Fumihiko did the dishes (I offered to do them...really I did), we went back to the school.

I unlocked the school, turned on the lights and sure enough, there was my cellphone, under that bag I talked about. I need it...I hate to admit it. It's my alarm clock. I have about 7 alarms set for myself in the morning, plus students often phone me on it for last minute lesson changes or cancellations.

We came home via the grocery store. I checked the bagels and was delighted to see a few left, so I snagged two of the soy bean ones. Fumihiko was eyeing other stuff, so I suggested that he get something. He said no. Then, I pointed out the sign that said everything was now 50 percent he got a couple of things. I got a walnut bun for myself. We wandered around the store for what seemed like an hour. I really didn't need very much. I had a short list in my mind, but He wanders all over. I think he thinks he's on a picnic or something. It drives me crazy. I think I should bring a book and find a seat and wait for him to finish. In fact, that's a good idea. It would help pass the time. I do not enjoy following him all the time.

We came home and had a quiet evening in front of the computers. Now someone is chomping very very loudly on his snack food and it's just annoying the heck out of me. I should stop writing this before it makes me really angry. I've been a bit antsy with him tonight. Not really fighting, just getting annoyed. Sigh.

That's it for me. I've got to go! Night night.


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