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May 16, 2007 - Wednesday

Warm and sunny.

A good day. I did manage to get up fairly early today! Yes. I didn't get up at an early time for anybody else, but it was for me! I showered and then spent a couple of hours on time on my computer.

I made my lunch and then headed over to my school. My student was a bit early, but we had a good lesson.

After she left my school, I changed back into my regular clothes, did the dishes quickly and the headed off downtown. I wanted to see if I could get my hair cut. Guess what? I could. Yes.

I got my hair cut really short and it looks good. My hairdresser is a miracle worker. I have such odd hair.

I went to Marica and nosed around the hundred yen shop there. I bought a few things for my school. No big exciting things, but just a few odds and sods.

I came home, and a spent time on my computer. I was waiting for Fumihiko, but I had to wait a long time for him. He didn't get home until after 8. He'd had a meeting and then went to his house to take care of his dog.

We made a quick trip out to get groceries because I needed stuff for tomorrow's breakfast. I suggested that we eat at home tomorrow night as well, so we got stuff for that too. I'm trying to save money. I'm not sure how it's working though.

I made a Cook-Do mix up tonight. It was a mix of cabbage, green peppers, long onion and pork. I found it a bit salty, but overall quite good. I liked it much more than the one I had before. That one was brutal! Anyway, this one I would definitely make again. I'd probably add more veggies to it than they suggest, but that's just me. We had it with a salad and hubby had rice. For dessert we shared a fruit plate that we got at the grocery store tonight. It was nice. I don't eat a lot of fruit, but some of this was even okay for me.

We spent a quiet evening at home after dinner. Fumihiko put on some news that seemed more tabloid than anything else, so I got out my headphones and started to listen to a podcast on my computer. Fumihiko took his bath and I listened to CBC -- Sounds like Canada. I listened to two shows. The first was about coffee in the office. The second was a continuation from another show about the wonders of Canada. It was really funny. There's a contest in Canada to pick the Seven Wonders of Canada, and some nominations are quite amusing.

I'm now listening to Quirks and Quarks. It's a great science show. At the moment they are talking about duck male organs. (I'm not sure if I'm allowed to be more specific on Angelfire!) It's oddly fascinating!

Anyway, I'm out of here. I have to get some sleep now. Night night!


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