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June 7, 2007 - Thursday

Hot and sunny, a little muggy.

Today was a mostly good day. Fumihiko got up this morning, but couldn't find his cell phone, so of course made a lot of noise trying to find it again. I think I should staple it to his ear. Then maybe he won't lose it anymore.

I got up just after he left, and watched TV for a few minutes. There was actual English news on, so I watched that, then went back to bed. I planned to get up at my usual time. However, as the bard1 said,

"The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men
Gang aft agley"
and I overslept. I finally dragged my sorry self out of bed around 10:30, then showered and did the first of 4 loads of laundry. Oh yay.

I did a few things in the afternoon. I pumped up my bicycle tires. They were getting a little soft. I wrapped and addressed a package to send off, but decided not to send it by myself.

I watched Cold Case and ate my lunch. After I did my dishes I set out for the school. It was quite hot when I got there, but I turned on the air conditioner and got it cooled down. I prepped for most of my kids classes for tomorrow and Saturday, then for today's student's next class. Yay me.

After class, I changed, cleaned up, and called Fumihiko. He came to get me, but took forever! We stopped at the convenience store to send off the package that I wrapped earlier today.

At home, I started on dinner right away. I made tacos....except we didn't have taco shells. I planned to use lettuce leaves, but Fumihiko had bought some tortillas the last time we went to the international grocery so we decided to try them. I tried them too, and I quite liked them. We had tacos with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and taco sauce. They were quite good. Now we just have to use up the rest of the tortillas in the next two days.

Hubby did the dishes and I went on line and did a bit of blog reading and group moderating. Nothing too exciting.

And that's about it for my Thursday. It was quite a nice day...nice and quiet. Hopefully tomorrow will be too.

Oh, and it seems in answer to my "poll" yesterday, that not many people even noticed that fact that I linked my old blog entries below....but the ones who did seemed to like it! I'll keep them linked in for now.

1 The Bard being Robert Burns of course....



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