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September 7, 2007 - Friday

Rainy and windy. We have a typhoon in the area.


Today was quite a good day really. I went to bed a bit too late last night, but it couldn't really be helped. I had to prepare the plastic garbage to go out, then I set up the coffee pot. I had a really hard time finding the coffee filters. I searched everywhere but finally found them on the floor. Not sure why they were there! They were in a box so no harm done.

I woke up enough to wish Fumihiko a good morning this morning when he got up. He was happy about the coffee and also about the box of cereal I'd put on the table for him.

When I got up I showered and lazed around a bit. I watched a couple of episodes of Heroes, and loved it. I was hoping to sneak in one more tonight, but I might not be able to do that. Around 2 I made my lunch, ate it, and then washed the dishes.

I headed out to my school, wearing my lovely Disney raincape. It wasn't raining at first, but then it started, so I was glad I was in my cape. The school was a bit warm today, and also a bit humid, so I got the air conditioner working and set up for my class. My students came on time today, and we had good classes in both of them. The boy is getting better behaviour-wise, and I'm so glad!

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Jiro for dinner. We tried a new dish for us there. We had pork saute with fried shrimp. It was quite nice. It wasn't as heavy as my usual dish, so I probably will order that again.

We hit the grocery store on the way home and got some non-essentials. Fumihiko wanted something for breakfast, but they didn't have a lot of the things he wanted.

After we came home, I checked and read email and then Fumihiko did some packing. While he took a bath, I did some packing. However, I'm thinking that I might just do some unpacking again, so that I can do some major shopping while I'm in Hawaii. I hope!

So that's it. My day. I still have to pack toiletries, and as I said, maybe do a bit of an unpack, or a repack. I've never been there before and I know it's hot. I'm thinking I need lots of t-shirts and shirts in case I sweat a lot. But, I don't know. It might be cooler than here. I hope!

I'll try to update tomorrow night, but on the off chance that I don't, I'll be gone for about a week. Talk to you later! Night night.


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