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September 20, 2007 - Thursday

Hot, humid and sunny.


A pretty good day. I went to bed last night before my husband if you can believe that, right around midnight. He took himself off after one. He's still having back and neck pain all the time. Sigh.

I got up a little after 8 and stayed up. I didn't do too much today. I watched last night's Without a Trace, it was good, and watched an episode of House on my computer. I love Hugh Laurie, but it's a bit hard to get used to him playing a mean, nasty, brilliant man. I'm more familiar with him as a foppish twit from the Black Adder series. Still, they say that comedy is more difficult than drama, don't they?

In the afternoon, I had a couple of interesting things happen. The T-shirt that I asked my friend to send me arrived, and I got a phone call. The phone call was from an ex-student asking me if I'd be interested in teaching a friend of hers. I'm at least interested in meeting the person and finding out, so we tentatively set something up for Saturday night.

I cooked lunch and watched CSI: New York. I like that one better than Miami. It was kind of cute at the end, they had a man rehearsing Of Mice and Men with his daughter. He was going to audition for a part in a play. Gary Sinese, star of CSI: New York, first came to most people's notice in the movie version of Of Mice and Men with John Malkovich. I thought it was cool.

I went off to work, where my school was a sauna like 33.8 degrees. Yikes. I got it cooled down, but it wasn't easy. I had a good class with my student and then I did the paperwork I needed to do, and started to wash the dishes. Fumihiko called me just before 9 to say he was done work. He'd forgotten that I had to work late tonight too. He went home, changed and then picked me up.

We had dinner in M's Dining tonight. It was okay. I had bread with my meal and it was burnt on one side. I was a bit surprised. It must be a new cook or something.

We came home via the grocery store. I needed wasabi for my avocado tomorrow. Yum.

At home, we had a very quiet evening. I sorted out the plastic garbage for tomorrow, and set up the coffee pot for Fumihiko for the morning. He's gone to bed already, but he's not really sleeping yet. He's having a bad time of it with his back and neck.

This is the latest that I've stayed up this week. The last few nights I've been in bed before 12:30, but tonight it's after l:30. I'm starting to fade, so I do want to get to bed soon. So that's it from me for tonight. Night!


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