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September 28, 2007 - Friday

Rainy most of the day.


I had a pretty good day today. I got up at a reasonable time, but then went and had a naplet for a while. I wasn't sleeping, but I wasn't really awake either.

I putzed around the apartment, and when it came time to make my lunch, I did. Today I had French toast. I made it with the last of my whole wheat bread from the weekend. It was yummy. It's funny how something so simple can be just what you want to eat.

I went off to my school. I originally planned to visit a drug store on the way, but I was carrying 3 apples and a bunch of juices in my backpack, so it was heavy. I decided to drop the food and drink off at my school and then go. It was an okay thing to do. I did get very wet though. My cape rides up while I'm riding and doesn't cover my knees. That meant that I was wet from my knees to my ankles, and my wrists got wet too as my shirt sleeves poked out of the jacket I was wearing.

Finally, back at the school, I relaxed. I'd done my prep last night, so all I had to do today was review it and wash the apple. I was teaching about eating apples and drinking juice. When the student came, he seemed to have a good time. He had to put the steps in order at one point and purposely made them wrong. He was literally rolling on the floor with laughter at that. First he'd eat the apple, then wash and cut it. He liked that one! My other class today went well. We didn't laugh to the point of rolling on the floor, but I think we enjoyed ourselves.

Fumihiko picked me up around 9 and we came home. In the car he said that he'd really like to go to Yamagata this weekend to see the Chagall exhibit. I was a bit surprised, but said that I'd like to go too. When I got home, and changed into dry clothes, I asked him if he'd read my blog from last night. He said no. Then I said that it was strange because I'd mentioned that I really wanted to go on it. Then, he 'fessed up! Seems someone HAD read my blog after all! So, anyway, we are going to go. We'll make a bit of a weekend out of it, we'll leave here after my work tomorrow and then drive down tomorrow night, spend the night in a hotel and see the exhibit on Sunday. Sounds cool to me.

Fumihiko had made a nabe tonight, the first nabe of the season, and it was great. I really enjoyed it. I did the dishes afterwards, although there really weren't very many. Dinner was good.

We spent a quiet evening together...talking about Yamagata and what we'll do there. When Fumihiko went to bed, I went in and we had a chat and a snuggle. It was nice. Now, he's sleeping away. I should get to bed soon because I have an earlier day tomorrow.

I won't be posting tomorrow night, so please don't miss me too much! Got to go....Night night.


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