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October 1, 2007 - Monday

Warm and cloudy.


Today was a good day. I slept in this morning and it was wonderful! I really needed it.

When I got up, I didn't do much today. I putzed around the house, and I watched my TV from this weekend. First up, and most importantly was Project Runway 2. Now, don't ask me why a woman who is not interested in designer labels religiously watches a show about up and coming designers, but hey, it's fun! I like it because in a way, everyone who appears on the show is a winner. Just appearing is good publicity for the designers. I have to say that I do not like Michael Kors though. Nina Garcia, one of the judges, comes across like a meanie, but I think she knows her stuff. Michael Kors comes off as more, "I'm a big deal...I'm a designer....worship me!" Okay, that's my opinion anyway. I'll never be able to fit into any of the clothes on the show anyway....I also watched Cold Case and CSI. They were enjoyable.

In the afternoon I went out to the mall. I had a late, late lunch, and then I bought a few things for my school at the hundred yen shop. I got some new decorations and a few things for my classes. Yay me. Then I had a cup of coffee at Doutors. While I was eating and drinking I started my new Stephanie Plum novel, Twelve Sharp. It's a good one. I know that Janet Evanovich's books aren't great literature, but when I'm in a reading slump, they help to bring me out of it. Besides, they are just so funny. The ironic thing about this novel? I bought it at the airport in Narita, for my trip to Hawaii. I was too tired and busy all the time in Hawaii (or too tipsy!) to do any reading, so I brought it back on the plane. They had personal TVs on the plane so I watched movies that I knew darn well would never come to Tsuruoka (Waitress and Mr. Brooks) and never opened the book at all.

I got a few things at the grocery store and then came home. I spent time on my computer until I got a call from Fumihiko. He didn't get home tonight until after 10 pm. He had some big union meeting after work, that he had to go to. Poor guy.

We had a quick and good dinner in Cocos tonight. I did something that I haven't done in ages. I had spaghetti. I hope it'll sit okay with me. It's the first time that I've eaten a full portion of spaghetti since I went low carb. It was nice. Fumihiko had carbonara and I had salmon cream spaghetti.

We did a quick run through the grocery store so that I could make dinner tomorrow night. It won't be fancy, but I think that's okay. Don't need fancy!

We came home and Fumihiko has spent the last hour or so translating a letter that I wrote in English into Japanese for one of my students. Because she's a beginning student, I have to make sure she understands the rules of my school. Poor guy. It's tough work for him and I don't envy him. I can write "friendly business" style if I put my mind to it, but Japanese is much more formal so it's tough for him to find the right tone.

That's about it for my day. I should get myself off to bed soon. I have a couple of classes tomorrow evening, and I want to redecorate the school a touch. I realized last week that my decorations are a little too Spring/Summer-y for the weather now. Besides, it'll give me a chance to get out my Halloween decorations too!

Got to go! Night night.


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