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October 2, 2007 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm.


Today was quite good. For the first time in ages when I got up and checked the TV for news, it was actually on! Amazing. Unfortunately I'd missed half of it! Oh well.

I had a pretty good day. I did three loads of laundry, hacked around on my computer, drank coffee and watched a bit of TV. It was a pretty good day.

In the afternoon I had my lunch then went on my way to the school. When I got there I was busy. I had decided to redecorate my school today. I took down some of the more Spring-y flowers and put up some Halloween decorations and some fall leaves. It looks quite nice. I didn't do a lot, because my school is so small, but the new decorations look nice.

My classes went well today and afterwards I did dishes and then called Fumihiko. He didn't answer, but called me back a few moments later. He picked me up and we came home.

I made dinner when we got home. I took some of the cubed steak they make here, sauted it, and served it with some choices for dipping. I personally used blue cheese dressing and worchestershire sauce with some wasabi. That was nice. I found a package of shu-mei in the freezer so heated them up, plus I stir-fried some beans in butter with a bit of dill and black pepper. Everything was very well appreciated. There were no leftovers!

Fumihiko did dishes and after his bath we sat down together and watched Ugly Betty. I'd taped it's debut last night. I've already seen the first few episodes, but it's nice to watch it on TV with Fumihiko. I'm not sure if he got it or not. He said he did, but he's not really into fashion at all!

And that's it for my day. I'm presently watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which is fun. I"ve seen it before of course, but it's on at a good time for me! Fumihiko is snoozing on the couch. I should get him off to bed soon though.

Tomorrow I'm off work. I wonder what I'll get up to! Night night.


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