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October 11, 2007 - Thursday

Rainy in the morning and now late at night, warm and pleasant in the middle.


Today was an okay day. I woke up early, went to the loo, and then back to bed. Fumihiko got up, did his stuff and left for work. I was sleeping and managed to sleep through almost all of my alarms. I could not get up today. Still, I finally did, and was planning to take a shower when I turned on the telly and watched the last bit of Glory Road. It was interesting. I'm not big on sports films, but this seemed to be about much more than just sports.

I spent a quiet afternoon at home drinking coffee. I did a load of laundry and then got ready for going out to work. I had a nice omelette and some whole wheat toast too. Yum. I watched Medium, which I enjoyed a lot today. I had seen the ending of the show before, but not the beginning, so it was interesting. Still not sure if I like Patricia Arquette. I do like the other people on the show though.

On my way to work, I went through the drugstore, then on to my school. I was a bit early so I checked my prep and read more of Eldest. I'm really into it. It's very readable.

My student and I had a fairly good lesson, although I need to think of a way to help her learn vocabulary better. Maybe I need to test her on it! Ha. Good idea.

After class I set up for tomorrow's first class, checked the other two classes and also prepared the paperwork for the new student I have tomorrow. I did dishes and then finally called Fumihiko to come and get me. He did.

In the car right now, we're listening to The Barenaked Ladies Greatest Hits. I love it. So many of their songs are just crying out for karaoke versions, but I've never found any. Guys...please, release them. There's a bunch of homesick Canadians who'd just love to sing "If I Had a Million Dollars" or "Brian Wilson" or even "Be My Yoko Ono"! The song we heard on the way home was "It's All Been Done" and the chorus has a bunch of "Whoo-oo-ooo's" in it, and they're so darn catchy that I'm still singing it.

At home I made my stir-fry. Last night we'd bought a store veggie pack, but I wanted to add a head of broccoli and an onion, so I cut them up first. Then I sauteed the chicken to make sure it was cooked. I took it out of the pan, then put in the broccoli and onion. After a bit I added the veggie pack, plus the flavouring pack. After letting that steam/fry for a while I added the cooked chicken plus a package of tofu. I mixed everything well, and served after a minute or two. Fumihiko really liked it. He had seconds, which is not usual for him. The cabbage in the veggie pack was still a bit crunchy, and the broccoli was just how I like it, a little crisp but cooked. The entire thing was eaten tonight. Yay.

Fumihiko did dishes, and we spent a very quiet evening together. At midnight I turned on Extras. It was very funny, and so non-pc in places that I didn't know whether to laugh or be upset. I chose to laugh though, because it was really funny too. Orlando Bloom was the guest star and he kept trying to come on to the female lead of the show, but she was more interested in Johnny Depp. Quite fun.

And that was my day. It was pretty good. And now, I should get to bed as it's very late and I'm tired. So...goodnight!


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