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October 13, 2007 - Saturday

Warm and sunny, rainy at night.


A generally good day, although I wasn't sure it was going to be at the beginning of the day. Fumihiko got up and about 5 minutes later rushed back into the room to turn off his alarm. Problem was, he didn't really turn it off. It went off again, 5 minutes after he'd left! I got up, watched a bit of the cooking show on early, then headed back to bed. Where I completely overslept, and didn't get up until almost 10. I showered right away, and when I came out of the shower, Fumihiko was back home.

I watched this morning's episode of Criminal Minds, but got a phone call from an-interested-in-my-school person. Sadly, I don't think things will work out. The "student" in this case would be only 1 year old and I'm not really qualified to teach anyone that young. Not qualified and definitely not motivated!

Fumihiko and I had brunch at Marumatsu. It was okay. Not great. They've stopped their soup service, which all in all is probably a good thing as it wasn't that good anyway.

Fumihiko dropped me off at my school and I got busy. I was running late from lunch so I had to move it! I checked over my lesson but it was pretty much okay from last night. I didn't have much time to check my second lesson, but decided to do that after the first. My first student came and we had a good time. Her mum comes with her, she doesn't come in the classroom, she waits outside, and usually stretches out on the floor and has a nap!Today when we left the class we had a hard time waking her mum up. I feel a bit sorry for her.

I prepped my second class. It was a good thing that I did get my butt in gear because I needed some stuff that I hadn't prepared. After I prepped, I took a break. The second class today was quite good. I think the children got the topic, if not the actual phrases. It was quite fun.

After class I set up for Tuesday's first class, then called Fumihiko. When he came, we went to the mall. He'd had a shot this morning at the doctor's and was feeling much better. At the mall we had coffee at Mr. Donuts, then went shopping. I was looking for a present for my sister, and I found a couple. And one for me! Yay shopping.

We bought our decafe coffee at Seattle's Best. Apparently they're going to change the way they sell coffee soon. Hopefully they'll still have decafe. We took our purchases to the car, then went to KFC for a quick bite. I haven't eaten at one for years, and I see that I didn't miss anything. It was fine, just a bit salty and greasy.

We went to the theater and watched Rogue Assassin tonight (US Title War). It was silly, but I liked it because it had Jason Statham in it. I've been crushing on him ever since I saw Transporter this summer. We stayed through the credits and I was bemused to learn it was filmed in Vancouver! We got up to go, and luckily Fumihiko tried to turn on his cell phone. I say luckily, because sometimes he forgets until we're at home. Anyway, he couldn't find it. It must have slipped out of his pocket after he switched it off. He tried to find it, and then the theater lady who was doing spot cleaning helped him out. She found it for him. It was still a little dark in there and his phone is a dark blue so it wasn't easy to see. Yay.

We came back to Tsuruoka and went to Moku-Moku for dinner. We both had pasta tonight. I had Carbonara and Fumihiko had Genovase, which I'd probably call Pesto sauce. They were both good.

When we finished dinner we came home and watched the telly. I enjoyed Cold Case, and then we both enjoyed the first episode of the new Grey's Anatomy season. Patrick Dempsey is cute, but hey, if I was Meredith, I'd take the vet. Chris O'Donnell is smokin' hot these days! Plus, his character is widowed, so there's no nasty ex-/wife to worry about.

And that's it. My day. It was pretty good. Tomorrow? Who knows? Not me. Night night.


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