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October 22, 2007 - Monday

Clear and sunny, lots of rain at night.


Last night after I blogged, I tried to go to bed and sleep, but I was still quite upset. The immigration procedures have got me angry and even though I know it makes no sense, I just didn't feel like sleeping. I went to bed, but Fumihiko was making rather loud snoring noises, so I couldn't drop off as I wanted. Then, he started having jerky leg movements..the kind that shook the whole bed, so I got up and sat on the couch for a bit. If it had been warmer I'd have slept there, but I didn't bring a blanket out with me and I was starting to get chilly. I finally headed back to bed and after a while did drop off.

I over-slept a bit this morning, but considering how little sleep I got wasn't too worried about it. I did 3 loads of laundry...I want to be able to take some of the now clean clothes to Sendai with me...and watched a bit of When Harry Met Sally..... I still like that movie. I'm not sure why exactly. Probably reminds me a little of one of my almost boyfriends from college.

In the afternoon I went out to the bank. I needed to take out some money for my trip and I was afraid that I'd forget to do it later in the week. I also had lunch at a Japanese style restaurant. It was...okay. I read part of the book I'm reading there. I'm now well into Artemis Fowl The Eternity Code. It's okay. I don't really know why I bother with these books. I think Artemis is a twerp.

I came home after a while and played on my computer. Fumihiko came home and we went out to buy our cabbage! I got a few other things too. We got gyoza for dinner, some coffee creamers, and some bagels for breakfast. We came home and I cooked.

I made one of the Cook-do things. I started it off in the wrong frypan, I used one that was too small, so 3/4 of the way through I had to transfer everything to my stirfry pan. Still, when it was cooked it did get rave reviews. I didn't like it as much as Fumihiko did though. Hubby did the dishes, which was really sweet of him.

We had a quiet night mostly. We didn't watch Ugly Betty tonight as Fumihiko has to get up early for work tomorrow. He has to be there at 7:30...his usual getting up time. We taped it and will watch it tomorrow. He made himself some kind of snack before he went to bed, and for some reason used my nice kitchen knife. He dropped it, and the tip of the knife broke off. We can't find it. He thinks it's embedded in the floor...I'm not so sure. He says he'll perform surgery on the floor tomorrow...but I'm worried. My husband is just the clumsiest person. I never thought he'd break my knife. If I wanted to be mean I could make a list of the things he's broken or wrecked of mine. He never seems to break his own stuff. Oh wait, I lied. Last week he broke one of his beer glasses. Them I don't care about. Then again, in all fairness I should mention that last week I chipped one of my little bowls when a salad dressing bottle slipped out of my hand onto it. Of course, the plastic bottle of dressing stayed in my hands, it was the other glass one that slipped and did the damage! Mind you, the bowl was a Gusto cheapie, so it's not like I'm crying about it.

Anyway, I digress. I've used tonight to write a lot of personal email that I've been putting off. It's a good thing. I'm hoping that I'm coming out of the "blue funk" that I've been in for the last little while. I certainly hope so.

Well, I do hope to get to bed earlier tonight, and to stay there! Wish me luck. Night night!


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