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October 23, 2007 - Tuesday

Sunny and reasonably warm.


A quite good day. I managed to get up at a semi-decent time today. I caught the tale end of the US news, and after a bit a documentary about Eco-refugees. I couldn't understand all of it, but it part of it was filmed in Alberta. I had no idea that some people were being forced out of their homes because of sour gas wells. I think it's awful.

I had a quiet day today. I didn't do much...just spent time on my computer. That was fun.

I had an early brunch then headed off to my school a bit earlier than usual. I got there in good time and swept the floor. Then, when I was done, I noticed a bug or something in a corner, so I got in the vacuum. I vacuumed the corner, which was above the curtains. Then I got a smart idea. Why didn't I vacuum the top of the curtains? Well, the reason I shouldn't was that it pulls the curtain off a curtain rod hook. ARGH! I couldn't stand on a chair to put the hook back in because my chairs don't have solid seats. I wasn't sure about my benches either. Then, I tried using the vacuum cigar....the shoe horn...a little closer, but no. Then, I decided to think like the McGyver wannabe that I am, and I piled up some of my books where I needed them, and gingerly stood on them. Success! Oh the perils of being short in a tall world.

My classes went well today. In my children's class we did "he" for male family members and "she" for female family members. It was a good lesson and I think the child got it. It's a bit difficult for Japanese people as I don't think they use he or she or an equivalent.

In my break I planned a new lesson and I also talked to Fumihiko. He was supposed to cook dinner tonight, but hadn't bought anything yet. I reminded him that a local restaurant has a discount on Tuesdays so he decided that we'd go there instead. My other lesson went quite well. We talked about shopping and specifically, shopping at West Edmonton Mall. Used to be the largest mall in the world, now it's about number 3 and it's in my hometown. Yay. I hate that place!

After class I did the dishes, changed and called Fumihiko to come and get me. He did, and I told him about the person I'd been emailing today. I got an enquiry about my school today by email, and I set up an appointment to meet with the person next month. Hope all goes well. We drove to the restaurant, got out of the car, and went to go in the restaurant, but found a sign on the door which said they were closed early for staff training. Arghhh.

Fumihiko then suggested going to the yakiniku restaurant across the street so that's where we went instead. We had quite nice yakiniku, egg soup, veggies and oolong tea.

We hit the grocery store afterward and I decided that I'd make dinner tomorrow night. I'm back early tomorrow night, I have a daytime class, so it's a little bit fairer than Fumihiko doing it. I think we'll have.....(drumroll please).....chicken! Yes, you guessed it! I think I'll throw things into my slow cooker again. I got some cream of asparagus soup* this weekend, so maybe I'll try it with that. Wish me luck.

We came home and watched Ugly Betty from last night. It was cute. I like the show. These are still ones that I've seen but, it's fun to watch them with Fumihiko. We had coffee too.

So that was it, my lovely day. It actually wasn't too bad. I'll catch you later! Night.

*This is to let you know that buying cream of asparagus soup goes against my grain. I had an unfortunate experience in college with some asparagus soup. A nameless person put some cream of asparagus soup into my tea when I wasn't looking. I took a big swallow, and very nearly spewed tea and soup across the table. I have never quite forgiven him for that and I probably never will.


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