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November 4, 2007 - Sunday

Cool, and cloudy.


An okay but quiet day today.

Fumihiko got up early and went to his wrestling club. He had a great time, and came back in the afternoon to find a still sleeping wife. Happily, he wasn't annoyed and at one point got back into bed with me for a snuggle.

We had a very very late brunch at Moku-Moku, which was nice. It wasn't very busy there. Fumihiko wanted to go to the mall and see a movie, but I wasn't feeling particularly genki so I begged off. I really just wanted to be at home today. So, we stopped by our apartment to pick up his friend's address, then went to the grocery store to send his friend some persimmons. Shonai persimmons are quite famous. I didn't know until recently that ours are quite bitter when they are picked, so they are "pickled" in alcohol for a few days before being sold. It changes the way they taste, and makes them very nice.

That being done we came home for a while. We both spent time on our computers and after a bit Fumihiko was going to take a bath, but I asked him if he wanted to have dinner first! He'd forgotten that we hadn't eaten a later meal. So, he turned off the bath heater and out we went again.

Tonight's dinner was at the tonkatsu restaurant. We had a very nice meal. The restaurant wasn't busy for a change so it was quite relaxing too. After the meal we just came home.

Fumihiko had his bath, and then we planned to watch a movie, but didn't get around to it. Fumihiko fell asleep on the couch, and now it's much too late for movies.

While hubby was sleeping I got the garbage ready for taking out in the morning. It's a yucky job, but somebody's got to do it...and I guess it's me. Fumihiko takes it out for me in the morning because I usually don't get up in the time range that it has to be put out!

So that was my day. It was very quiet, and for a change, wonderful! Night night.


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