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November 5, 2007 - Monday

Sunny but cool.


An okay day. I managed to get up at a fairly decent time today and even stayed up.

I spent a quiet day at home for most of the time. In the late afternoon I went out to the mall and looked for more fall decorations at the hundred yen shop. I didn't buy any as they have changed to Christmas decorations. I don't usually put up Christmas stuff until December so I was disappointed. I went to Doutours afterwards and had a sandwich and a cup of Royal Milk Tea. That was lovely.

Fumihiko and I spent a lazy evening at home until we went out for dinner. We went to an izakaya and had an assortment of food. We had salmon calpacho, tofu, some pork, beef, and even some eggplant cheese dish. Things were quite good and I enjoyed them a lot. On the way home we stopped at the convenience store to send off some magazines to a friend of mine in Chiba, then to the grocery store for tomorrow's breakfast/dinner stuff. Tomorrow's dinner will be tacos I think. I'm looking forward to it already!

We came home and had some coffee. When I was in Sendai I bought 2 packages of Lavazza decafe coffee. It's actually Italian coffee, maybe for making espressos with, but we use it like regular coffee and it is soooo good. I have to drink decafe in the evening or I don't sleep, so we're always looking for good decafe. Fumihiko had also bought some kaki or persimmons, so we ate a couple of them too.

We watched a bit of a Michael Keaton movie that was kind of scary until it was time for Ugly Betty. I was very happy to change the station! Ugly Betty isn't terribly intellectual, but it is fun.

That was pretty much it for the evening. I was playing around on Facebook when I got a notice that my sister had sent me a video. I watched it and was quite appalled. It was supposedly funny...about people getting angry in their offices and throwing things like computers on the floor and at their co-workers. I asked my sister not to send me anything like that again as it was disturbing and she called me an Old Fuddy Duddy. Hmm. I really don't think I am. The slightly ironic thing is that someone else had sent me that video before but I hadn't watched it. I deleted the application entirely. I have a great sense of humor, but there are too many stories of people killing their co-workers for that to be amusing. At least for me. And if I'm an Old Fuddy Duddy, so be it.

So, this person is going to call it a night. I'll chat at you tomorrow perhaps! Night night!


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