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November 6, 2007 - Tuesday

Sunny and cool. Nice day.


A good day today. I got up quite late today, but it was okay. I had a nice quiet day at home and then went off to work. I was worried that I was going to be really late, but I wasn't. Hurray for that.

My classes went well, and I had fun teaching them. That was good. After class I cleaned up and got Fumihiko to come and pick me up.

I came home and got started on dinner. Tonight we we had tacos. I did the ground beef and chopped the tomatoes and washed the lettuce. Fumihiko grated the cheese for me, which was sweet of him. We had taco shells tonight, blue ones! They were nice, but half of them were broken. I took some of the broken shells and made a taco salad from them. That was nice.

We had a quiet evening at home after that. I watched Criminal Minds and then Jaimie's Kitchen. Jaimie Oliver is back...Hurray.

That's about it for me. Tomorrow I'm off and I'm looking forward to having free time.

Night night.


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