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November 8, 2007 - Thursday

Sunny and cool, thunderstorms later on.


Today was a good day. I got up later than I planned, but not terribly late, watched the news and then a documentary on BS 2.

I did a bunch of stuff on my computer and then cooked my lunch. After lunch, I washed the dishes and left for the hair salon.

I got there right on time, and got myself a gorgeous short cut. My hairdresser is so talented. I've often written about what a perfectionist she is, but the nice thing is, she's usually right. Who would have thought that coming to Japan would have been so good for my hair? Not me. (Except for the going grey part, but I don't think that was really Japan's fault. Probably not.) When I think about all of those ugly haircuts I got back in Canada I feel sad. I think the thing was that I didn't have hairdresser loyalty. After 10 years, this lady knows my hair!

I went to the mall for a coffee and a sandwich, then I grabbed a few things from the grocery store. Boy, I wish that Japan would start using an Express Lane system at the checkouts. It's almost ridiculous that they don't. Some of the things I got at the grocery were for hubby's birthday, coming later this month.

It was dark when I finished in the mall, so I tried out my bike-light and it still worked. Hurray for that. I biked the long way to my school and got busy. My apartment is about halfway between the school and the mall, so I usually don't have to bike so far. It's not a big deal though.

At the school I did some prep work for classes for tomorrow and Saturday, and then read a bit of a magazine before class. When my student came, it was really raining. Earlier, when I arrived it was a lovely clear evening, but at that time we had thunder and heavy rain. She was quite wet when she came in. We had a good class and we finished what we needed to do. Next week, we'll finish the unit and can maybe do some fun stuff for a class or two.

Fumihiko came to get me and we came home. At home I got busy and started cooking. I made stir-fried chicken and veggies. When it was all cooked I was quite disappointed as it had really cooked down, but it was good. I flavoured the mix with some oyster sauce and some fish sauce. Hubby did the dishes after, not that there were many. One pan to cook, 2 plates, a fork and a knife and a pair of chopsticks. Not bad that!

In the evening we had the remaining persimmons from earlier in the week and then at midnight I put Extras on. It was funny, in a weird bizarre way. The guest star was Sir Ian McKellan, he was directing a play that Andy was starring in. That show is so different from a "sitcom", sometimes it's hard to watch. It's always interesting though. I spend half of my time hiding my eyes and yelling at the characters for being so stupid!

Fumihiko went to bed in the middle of the show. He's tired and not feeling great these days. His neck is still bothering him and he seems to have a constant headache. I've suggested that he get his eyes checked again, but he doesn't want to. I'm hoping if he gets to relax a bit he'll be okay, but next week we're going to be quite busy.

Anyway, that was my day. I'll catch you tomorrow night?


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