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November 9, 2007 - Friday

Warm and sunny today.


Today was quite good. I got up in time to watch the news this morning, then re-watched a documentary about a family of mostly adopted children with severe health problems. It was sad but hopeful and part of me wonders how the family is doing now.

I had a quiet putzy day around the apartment. I worked on some stuff for my school. I had to find some information about weddings for a new student, so I was printing things out from the internet.

I went to the school around 4 and changed, then checked my set up. It was fine as usual. I'm such a worrier. I would like to say that I had a good class with my student. I would like to say that I had a good class, but.... After his class I got ready for my next student and took a break. When her time came, she didn't. I phoned and she was still working. Sigh. However, my last class came and was fine. We did have a good class. I think it was fun for him too.

Just after 9 I got a call from Fumihiko. That was unusual because I usually call him to ask him to pick me up. He told me he'd had a call from an ex-Eikaiwa student who's thinking about studying with me. Fumihiko came over to my school and we called the person and set up a meeting for tomorrow evening after my class. Wish me luck!

We had a pretty good dinner in M's Dining tonight, and then hit the grocery store on the way home. We were just going to pack our groceries when Fumihiko noticed a wallet sitting on the counter. He notified the store clerk, who took it off somewhere, presumably to call the customer.

We came home and had a really quiet evening here. I did have one cool thing happen though. One of my bestest friends from high school just contacted me through Facebook. After she got married we sort of lost touch and I've always wondered where she was and what she was doing...and of course how she was doing. I literally haven't heard from her in 15 years! Last time I did was just after my 10 year high school reunion. And that was A VERY LONG TIME AGO.

Talk to you tomorrow night, most likely. Night!


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