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November 18, 2007 - Sunday

Rainy and then snowy. Ack!


Today was a mostly lazy day. Hurray for that!

I slept in this morning. I just couldn't get up. Fumihiko went out to his wrestling and I didn't even know that he went. Sigh. He came back and I was still sleeping. he came back to bed and I was still sleeping...I slept until 3 pm, then I got up.

We went out to Mosburger for a light lunch. It was nice, I had their teriyaki chicken in lettuce burger and salad. It was nice. Fumihiko had their yakiniku rice burger. Then, we went shopping.

We went to a shop called Le Chambre. They sell a lot of interesting stuff. I got some things there for Christmas and for me. Yay! The store had a few Christmas cards too, so I bought a couple. I'm going to try and order more from another place soon.

We bought a few groceries and then came home. We both did a bit of vegging and then got dressed up for dinner. Tonight we had reservations for the Washington Hotel's all you can eat steak night. We went and had a nice meal. This year they let us have salad, pasta and chicken for free. Last year we had to pay for extras.

After dinner we went to S-Mall to get some stuff from the hundred yen shop, then went to Doutours for a rushed cup of coffee.

We came home and had a quiet evening at home. Fumihiko put on the TV for a while. Later 24 came on so I watched it, but I really don't know what's going on in that show. Fumihiko went to bed finally. He says he's going to get up early, go to his house and change his tires. Poor thing. I hope he can do it.

So, that was my day. I'm now listening to Quirks and Quarks. There's a man who has written a book about how the low-carb diet is actually good for you! It's about time. These days I'm not doing my low carb thing very much and I really miss it. Maybe it's time to start up again?? Maybe!

Anyway, I should get to bed too. It's terribly late and I need some sleep. Night.


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