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January 12, 2008 - Saturday

Rainy with a bit of snow.


It's late and Fumihiko is watching some really weird Japanese show. I can't really say much because I "subjected" him to four hours of stuff that I liked to watch tonight, so I'm keeping mum.

Today was okay. I was up before hubby this morning. He really wasn't feeling well in the morning. I didn't think that he'd even be able to get up to drive me to work, but he did. I got up, showered, made coffee and watched Criminal Minds. It was good, although the ending was a bit of a letdown.

Fumihiko drove me to Gusto and we had brunch, then he dropped me off at my school. I'd set the heater to come on nice and early so the room was warm. Yay. I checked my set up, and got ready for class. My first one was fine. She's a really fun student and we get on well together. Today was the same. We did two songs in class and I think she enjoyed them.

In the break between classes I vacuumed the school and then I took a break and did some reading. "A terrible thing" happened in the novel I'm reading, but the way that it's written about is very interesting. I'm just enjoying this novel. Usually I rush through the books I read, but this time I'm taking my time, enjoying where and how the author is moving the story.

My other class of the day was good. We talked about the student's recent trip overseas and then did a bit of the lesson. We also had a good time.

After class, I got out an extra chair, set up the coffee pot to heat water again and let Fumihiko in when he came. The person came for the interview. At the moment they're thinking about it. I think that means no, and actually I'm okay with that. Seemed like a nice person, but I didn't quite click with them so I won't be too disappointed if the answer is no.

After the person left and I cleaned up (washed dishes), Fumihiko and I left. We went to Mikawa to go to the mall to buy some coffee. We drove out there and BIG SURPRISE! Seattle's Best Coffee was closed. There was a sign on the door that said they'd reopen soon, but I don't know. Sounds fishy. That place was always quite busy. But, worse, where on earth am I going to get my decafe coffee now??? It's tragic. We got a few things for tomorrow night at the Jusco grocery store, and then went out of the mall and went to Coco's for dinner. Yes, we went to the Tsuruoka one yesterday...sue us! After dinner we went over to the book store and had a look around. Neither of us bought anything. That was unusual.

We came home and I made us some decafe instant coffee. It's so sad. It tasted okay actually, but I like drinking drip coffee now! I watched my Saturday night TV programmes, CSI : Miami and New York, then Grey's Anatomy and finally Project Runway 3.

Tomorrow night we're going out of town and will stay at a ryokan. I just hope it's warm! The weather is getting colder and sometimes these older hotels can be a bit draughty. Wish me luck. I haven't decided if I'm going to take my computer yet or not. I'm not sure if I want to spend time blogging or what.

Anyway, I'll talk to you later, take care! Night night.


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