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January 20, 2008 - Sunday

Warmish day, not much snow...hurray!


I went to bed quite late last night, so I didn't get up early today. However, I did set my alarm for 11 and managed to drag myself out of bed just before noon. Fumihiko didn't go to his wrestling, he was sitting in the living room watching TV, playing computer games in the dark. Poor thing. He was still in his jammies, so the fact that I got up, got dressed and made the bed put me in good standing I think!

We decided to go to the Daiichi Hotel for lunch today. We had to wait a while, and in that time I saw two of my young students from my L'Eikaiwa days. Wow, they had grown. Fumihiko and I finally got a table and had a decent meal. They were even serving pancakes, which was unusual, and a big treat for me.

After lunch we hit the bus station to buy me a bus ticket for next month then the hundred yen shop. Last month I bought a case for my laptop, but when I tried to use it this month it was just too small. I got the bigger size today. It's not going to protect my computer if I drop it off a cliff, but it should help regular knocks and bangs.

We headed out to the mall then. We went to see Sweeney Todd with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter. We were a bit early so did a bit of window shopping for new TVs before the show, but then went back for the movie. It was great. Terribly dark though, so if you're wanting a feel good movie, don't see this!

After the movie, we had coffee at Mr. Donuts. We skipped the meat pies, thank you very much! After that, Fumihiko offered to take me for dinner. However, I was still stuffed from lunch and all the popcorn I ate. So, we drove to Sakata to find a restaurant that he'd read about. We found it quickly and he pulled into the parking lot. I asked him if he was hungry now, because he hadn't been 15 minutes earlier! He said no, so I suggested going to Jusco for a quick tour. We did that.

I looked around the craft corner, but as I didn't see anything I was really interested in, didn't buy anything. Then, after traipsing around the store, looking for Fumihiko we went upstairs. I wanted to see if they had any ladies coats that I might like. They had some, but unfortunately, when I tried one on, it was just too tight. Guess I'll have to order from a catalogue. Sigh. I hung the coat back up and looked around for my husband. Gone again. Honestly! I went off in one direction looking for him, but when I got to the end of the store, saw him back in the middle. When we met up again, I asked him if he'd mind telling me where he plans on going next time. Of course, I don't mind (greatly encourage him) if he goes off on his own, but when I'm done, I'd like to know whereabouts he'll be. I didn't make a big deal about it, and I was quite nice I think. He said he'd try.

Now he was ready to go to the restaurant. It was an interesting Japanese /French style restaurant. We waited a few minutes while they prepared our table. We were then shown into a tatami room and had to sit on the tatami. We ordered the basic meal, and it was very nice. We had some appetizers, followed by soup and salad, then pork steak with cream cheese sauce. Our dessert was tiramisu and ice cream with espresso. Lovely! The only thing I would say is that the waitress lost points for not knowing what the main course's meat was. The menu said "meat" so we asked what it was. I was not really hungry so was trying to choose between meat and fish. She knew it was pork, but nothing else about it. Didn't think that was good waitressing. Still, the meal was nice. It's the kind of place that I'd take people who haven't been in Japan before. We shared a small room with another couple, but were separated from them by a screen.

We drove home after our meal and spent a quiet evening at home. I watched Good Night and Good Luck and thought it was very intelligent. I'd really like to see it again, when I could concentrate on it better. I was checking email and talking to Fumihiko when it was on.

And that was my day. It was really good. I haven't had such a nice, peaceful day with hubby for a while, so this was a treat.



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