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January 25, 2008 - Friday - Happy Robert Burns Day!

Cold, snowy, with just a bit of sun in the afternoon to make it bearable.


It's late and I'm tired so I'll try to be brief...

Today was okay. I got up, watched the news, showered and ended up taking a nap on the couch!

I walked to the school, did a bit of snow shovelling, then taught my lesson. It went okay. I also went out again just before my next classes to shovel snow again. It had snowed that much! Classes went quite well tonight.

Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Cocos for dinner. I had macaroni, he had a hamburger. Decent. We came home via the grocery store. I wanted a few supplies for my school. I was out of coffee, and needed some drinks for children too.

We came home and had a quiet evening at home. We were glued to our individual computers.

That's it. Tomorrow I'll teach a couple of lessons and then have a meeting after my classes with a mother thinking to send her daughters to my school. Not sure if it'll work out or not.

And that's my day. I'm tired so I'm going off to bed soon. Night night!


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