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January 26, 2008 - Saturday

Snowy and cold.


When I dragged myself out of bed this morning it was 9:30 and it had snowed overnight again. We had a fresh coat of snow, around 15cm deep. Sigh. I showered and we went out for our breakfast. We went to Gusto as usual.

Fumihiko dropped me off at my school then went back to our apartment to get his boots. While he was gone I grabbed my shovel and cleared the walkway along by my school, then I went over to the parking space and outlined the borders of my space a bit. Fumihiko had promised to clear it for me today, but I felt guilty letting him do all the work. He made short work of the space and then headed back home.

My class went very well today. My student was great as usual and we had fun. She picks up the concepts very easily. Pronunciation is a little tough, but really she's doing well. My second class today had had to cancel, which was disappointing as I enjoy teaching the students. In the time I had I prepared a worksheet for them when they come back, prepped a couple of classes for next week, and did up my financial records. I actually brought them up to date. Hurray.

Fumihiko showed up again around 4 pm. We were expecting a visitor tonight, so he parked in a drugstore parking lot and walked back to my school. Then he shoveled the parking space again for me. What a sweetheart! I got the school ready for my visitors. I put out books for the children to look at, got out some paper and crayons, washed glasses...tidied up... you name it, I did it.

The visitors came a little after 5. Everyone was running late today because of the traffic and the icy roads. There was one extra person who showed up today, but I didn't have a chair for him. Still, it worked out okay. He behaved well, and got to sit in the corner on the step. We discussed the possibility of the woman's daughters coming to my school. I'm not sure if they will or not as there are quite a few different factors involved, but we'll see how it goes.

After they left I did the dishes and a final clean up for the weekend. Fumihiko trundled off to get the car and I locked up the school. I turned off the water, because you just never know how cold it might get.

When he picked me up, we decided that since we hadn't eaten in 7 hours we should have dinner. We tossed around a few ideas but decided on Cafe Framboise. It's a very nice little restaurant. They serve western style food and Japanese style food. The place is small, only 3 tables and a counter, but the food is reasonably priced and usually great. So, that's where we went. I had chicken with herb bread crumbs and hubby had a mixed fry Japanese meal. Yum.

We talked about going to karaoke tonight because I'd made Fumihiko promise to take me this weekend, but we didn't go. By the time we left the restaurant he wasn't feeling that well. The weather (and maybe the snow shovelling) wasn't doing his back any favours. So, we just came home.

Tonight was my big TV night, so I watched my usual Saturday night shows. I checked out the two CSI's, then Grey's Anatomy. After that it was time for Project Runway. I enjoy the show, but tonight they made it look like one character was really terrible, but actually I think it was her partner that was bad. Whatever!

And that was my day. It wasn't bad. Tomorrow, I'm not sure what we'll do. The roads are bad and hubby isn't doing that well. I hope we'll get to enjoy ourselves, but I'm not holding my breath!

Night night.


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