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February 13, 2008 - Wednesday

Snowy, cold, and windy. Horrible weather.


The day didn't start well, but got a bit better over the day. We did accomplish a few things today. We got my taxes done. Hurray for that. I also picked up more revenue stamps for the school and paid for my water and those same taxes.

We had lunch then came home. We had more words on the way home and at home, things weren't that good, but finally calmed down.

I cooked dinner, what we should have had last night. It was quite nice. The veggies I stir-fried came packed with a sesame sauce. I used it and we both liked it. We also had some "made in Japan" Chinese Dumplings. They were rather nice.

We had a quiet evening until 10 ish. We went over to my school to set the heater and get some papers copied and so forth. We came home via the grocery store.

When we came home, Fumihiko made us some soba, but said it wasn't good. We also watched Desperate Housewives. Oh the things those ladies get up to!

That's pretty much it. We're just chilling out now, watching Romeo and Juliet. I'm tempted to say the original one, but it isn't, it's the one with Leonard Whiting (where is he anyway?) and Olivia Hussey. There's also the extremely feline Michael York. I wanted to go to bed early...why would NHK run such a good movie so late at night?

Tomorrow I have to get to and from the school by myself as hubby has a party to go to. Can you imagine? A bunch of men sitting around drinking on Valentine's Day?

Anyway, I'm out of here. I didn't sleep well last night so I should get to bed soon. Night night.


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