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February 15, 2008 - Friday

Cold, windy and a little snowy.


Ah, the weather. It's so lovely these days. NOT. Anyway, on with the update.

In the morning after I got up I watched the news as usual. After that though, I got started on dinner. I peeled some potatoes and put them into my slow cooker without turning it on. I decided to leave the other vegetables for later as my roast was small, and I wouldn't be home until late tonight. I didn't want them to turn into total mush by starting to cook so early.

I did my usual computer stuff and then in the early afternoon, came back to my slow cooker. I browned the roast and then put it on top of the potatoes. I added some onions and shiitake mushrooms, then poured one reconstituted cube of maggi over everything. Around 2 I turned on the slow cooker.

I had a lovely lunch of omelette, sausages and a bagel with avocado and wasabi on it. It was really nice. I finished up a bit later than I wanted to, but got out the door before 3:30.

The walk to school today wasn't bad in most places. The problem is that in many areas there are no sidewalks and then when you walk on the road, they are quite slippery. Also, with all of the pushed up snow, they are a little narrower than usual. It can be scary when a car is going by. I listened to a podcast of The 6 O'clock Evening News from CBC. It was really interesting.

When I got to the school I dumped my backpack, then went out to shovel snow. Around the apartments was bad again. I cleared it, then went to my space. The snow wasn't deep in my parking space, so I cleared it out quickly, and then went back in and got ready for my class.

The student wasn't too bad tonight and I was really surprised to see that he seems to be reading quite well. He has problems with a few words of course, but he really impressed me. He'd also basically memorized the song that we've done at the start of class for a couple of weeks. Hurray for perseverance! This time last year I nearly threw the towel in on this kid.

After his class I had a little break, but halfway through I had to check the parking space again. It needed just a little shovelling.

My last two classes went well. The students and I seem to do quite well together. After a clean-up and a bit of prep, I called Fumihiko and he came to get me.

We made a quick stop at the grocery store, then home. At home, I was busy serving dinner. We had pork roast with potatoes, onions and mushrooms, plus salad and a kind of gravy! It was nice. The meat was very very tender. I did feel a bit worried as Fumihiko didn't seem to be feeling all that well today. He didn't even ask for seconds on dinner!

He did give me more Valentine's Day presents though. I got an amethyst sample in a geology type book, plus two little books. One is Hans Christian Anderson tales, and the other is a Japanese story in English called "Gon, the Little Fox". I'm looking forward to reading them both.

Basically, that's it for my day. It wasn't bad. Tomorrow I'll be quite busy at work. I've got 3 lessons and then an interview. Wish me luck! Night night.


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