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February 17, 2008 - Sunday

A little bit of snow.


Today was a quiet, lovely day. We stayed home for most of it too, which was good.

I went to bed very late, and slept quite well. In the morning Fumihiko got up, but wasn't feeling well, so decided to skip his wrestling club again. He watched TV for a while, but I stayed in bed. Around 12 I thought about getting up, but Fumihiko came back to bed for a cuddle. (This is a PG-13 really was just a cuddle!) We slept for a while.

I got up around 2 and dressed. After a while I decided to cook brunch for us. I sliced the leftover pork roast from Friday, toasted bagels, and made sort of hash browns for us. I took the leftover potatoes from the roast, mashed them, chopped up some of the onions and mushrooms too, and mixed them with the potatoes plus an egg. I fried the whole thing up. It didn't stick together like a pancake (I sort of hoped it would) but it was good! I think Fumihiko was impressed to have brunch at home. I was anyway!

We had a lazy afternoon. I'm not even sure what we did. I sent some email, Fumihiko fed me was nice and peaceful. In the evening we decided to go out for dinner. We planned to go to Togashi, the yakiniku place, but it was closed. Instead we went to M's Dining which is close to Togashi's. We had a nice meal. We had hamburgers.

We came home and relaxed more. Fumihiko watched something on TV, so I put on my headphones and watched something on my computer...Dexter. The show is disturbing but so good.

And that was it. Fumihiko is back to work in the morning. I'm hoping that his back will feel better soon. I'm at home. I may go out if the weather isn't too bad, but then again, I may just stay home and do the couch potato thing!

Got to go. Night night!


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