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February 18, 2008 - Monday

Sunny, a bit of snow in the evening.


Today was a quiet day. It really was. I got up at a reasonable time, didn't watch news as it wasn't on, and just relaxed! I rewatched Project Runway and enjoyed it, although I have decided that there isn't anybody on this show that is as interesting as in season 1 or 2. They tried to make Angela the baddie, but really I don't think that she is.

I watched the TV I taped on Saturday and enjoyed it. Then, I did something a little unusual for me. I went out. It was a lovely sunny day, and I wanted to be out in it. I did a miniscule amount of shovelling at our parking space. I was using "borrowed" equipment and didn't want to be responsible for breaking it, so couldn't chop at the ice the way I wanted to. Still, I moved a bit of snow. Then, I walked to McDonalds! I wanted a quick and easy lunch. I had a wrap sandwich, and one of their "shaky-shaky" chicken things. Not bad. I wouldn't want it every day but okay for a once in a while deal.

I came home, spent time on my computer, and Fumihiko came home around 6. We chatted for a while, we weren't ready to go to out to eat quite yet, so I had a bit of a nap. I was tired.

Around 7 we went out and ran a few errands. Fumihiko needed money, so he hit up a bank machine, then we went to a drugstore for me. I wanted "stuff". Next we visited the self service gas station, my school to drop off some things and check the snow situation in the parking lot, then to Cocos for dinner. It was okay. We both had the same thing, stirfried beef with drink bar.

On the way home, we visited a convenience store to pay a bill and then the grocery store to pick up supplies for dinner. It looks like it'll be yakiniku tomorrow night. Yum.

We came home and had a quiet night. Ugly Betty was on, but it started late. Still, it was very good. There were all kinds of things going on. [Spoiler alert] It's ending on quite a cliffhanger though....Betty's dad may have to go back to Mexico. Ack.

That was it for my day. I did do a bit of reading of Atonement today. It was a little hard to read because the subject matter was difficult. One of the characters is a trainee nurse and is working in a hospital during the war. She was dealing with patients that were delirious and dying. Not fun stuff. I do tend to like happier books, but this story is compelling. It's taking me ages to read it though. I am wondering if I need to get myself glasses. I just haven't felt like reading much at all for a while.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm back at work. I'll talk to you tomorrow night. Night night!


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