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February 26, 2008 - Tuesday

Rainy most of the day, then snowy at night.


An okay day. I got up and watched the news, then fell asleep on the couch. Staying up late reading The Stand is not good for my beauty sleep. Still, I'm on page 787 now, only 400 or so to go. Whew.

I did a lot of my usual things during the day, and left for work a little bit after 3. I walked today as the weekend's snow was still everywhere, and the rain made it nasty to be out. I stopped off at the grocery store today, and the bank machine they have there to make a deposit to my school's account.

I got to my school and checked the parking space. It was still clear, but the path from the space to the apartment needed a bit of work. I cleared it, then went in and got ready. I was listening to a CBC podcast again, so I wasn't as speedy as I should have been. Still, everything got done! Yay me.

Classes were fine today and I used the time between them to prepare for Thursday's classes and also for next week for one of them. After class, I did a quick clean up and then called Fumihiko. He came and got me and we came home.

Tonight my sweetie had done the cooking, so we had nabe and sashimi. It was very nice. Because he did all the hard work, I did the dishes. There weren't too many for a change because he'd washed a lot of them already.

And that was it. Really was a quiet evening here at home, but nice. Fumihiko has been busy actually planning something for our Golden Week. He rarely plans things, but when he does, he's like a pit bull and won't let go of it until he's done!

I'm back. We were just talking about my school's anniversary party. I'm not big on throwing parties because it's difficult for me, but Fumihiko came up with good idea that I can't share right now. It might not work out so I'd hate to disappoint anyone.

So, I'm off now. I hope to get in a few more pages of my book before I go to sleep. Night night!


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