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February 25, 2008 - Monday

Cold and a little snowy.


Today was an okay day really. I got up, poured myself some coffee, did lots of laundry and prepared myself for the Academy Awards. It was a long show as usual, but it didn't seem too long for a change. I mostly enjoyed it. Sadly, because films take so long to come to Japan, there were very few in the major categories that I had seen, so I didn't really have favourites. I hoped that Johnny Depp would win for best actor, but knew that he probably wouldn't. He didn't. One thing that I did like was when Jon Stewart brought out the woman who wrote the Song of the Year and let her make her thank you speech. Her songwriting partner took all the time, and then just as she was going up to the microphone, the music swelled and she backed off. It's a stupid rule I think.

I stayed home all day. I didn't do much really, but that's because it was Oscar day today.

When Fumihiko came home we chatted for a while, then went out for dinner. Tonight he'd suggested going to Bronco so that's what we did. I had pasta with a hamburger patty, Fumihiko had yakiniku. It was nice. After that, we drove to my school. Fumihiko shovelled my snow for me (which I really didn't want him to do) and I set the heater for tomorrow. I had taken a few things over to the school too, so that I didn't have to carry them tomorrow. I think I'm back to walking.

We came home after the school, and watched Scary Movie 4. I'd taped it from WOWOW last night. It was incredibly silly. It was a little funny, but not hysterical. It had a riff on Japanese horror movies (the girl and the ghost speaking nonsensical Japanese words was really funny....the kind of thing that I do when I want to crack my husband up), crossed with Saw, The Village and War of the Worlds. Very silly.

Ugly Betty came on after and I watched it, but Fumihiko decided to take a bath. Sad for him. It was good tonight. Betty and the other Administrative Assistants went to a "Merry Olde Englande" restaurant.

That's about it for me. Today is always a sad day for me because it's the anniversary of the day my mum died. She was a rather large Scottish lady who told wonderful stories of her childhood, sewed up a storm, knitted beautifully, cooked amazing meals when there wasn't much to cook and loved my sister and I. More than twenty years after she died, I still miss her more than I can ever say.

Night all.


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