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March 6, 2008 - Thursday

Snow, then sun, then back to snow.


When I went to bed last night there was a coating of snow over everything outside. I was a bit worried about my school for today. When I woke up I checked outside and there was still a lot of snow. Throughout the day we alternated between sun and snow. The sun seemed to win and it was getting pretty slushy out there. The weather was so bad in Tsuruoka that there was an accident with a school bus on the slippery roads. I don't know the details because the NHK reports were all in Japanese.

I did laundry today. Lots of laundry. I just hope that it dries before my trip. It's my favourite thing. Okay it isn't. I'm trying to think positively though.

I did a bit of research in the afternoon about which platform my train in Sendai will leave from and when it leaves and arrives. I always feel better if I know the details of my trip.

Today's omelette was an interesting blend of leftovers and eggs. What I had was a buta-tama-kimchee with cheese omelette. It was delicious. It did give me rather stinky breath though!

I walked to the school today, but after I got to the end of the driveway, realized that I really should have ridden. Most of the roads were clear. Oh well. Live and learn I guess. I made a stop at a drugstore for some things for myself first.

When I got to the school I checked the parking lot and was delighted to see that my space was clear. Hurray! There wasn't much snow left in the lot at all, and what there was was slushy, rather than packed hard. I didn't do much with my snow scoop, I just made sure the path was clear and then went into the school to get to work.

Work is what I did. I did a big cleaning today. I vacuumed and then I cleaned the toilet, and then did a lot of dusting throughout the school.

I checked my classes and got ready for my first class. They were 10 minutes early again. Sigh. Today I made them wait in the lobby. I wasn't quite ready, and frankly, I didn't want to give the students free time. I let them come into my classroom a little early, and they were surprised to see that they were still 5 minutes early. We had a good lesson I think and I gave them some homework afterwards. Their mum picked them today and we laughed a bit about last week's snow incident. Today was fine!

A few minutes after they left, my other student arrived. We had quite a good chat/lesson. My student blogs for her shop. It's all in Japanese, but last night I used the Google Translator to translate it for me. I couldn't understand it really well, but I got the general idea. We talked about that and a few other things as part of the lesson.

Afterwards, I cleaned up and set up my first lesson for tomorrow. Then I did dishes and sent my husband a text to see if he was finished work. He was, and came to pick me up.

Last night we'd made a deal that if he finished work on time he would get something to cook for dinner, but if he was late, he didn't have to. Sadly, he was late tonight, he finished work around 8 so we went to M's Dining for dinner. It was nice. The only downer of the evening was discovering that one of my rubber boots has a large slit in it, right above the sole. Sigh. Not good for this weather.

We came home and had a quiet but enjoyable night together. Tomorrow night he has a farewell party so I'll have to get myself dinner and home all by myself. I'll also be away this weekend so we won't see much of each other over the next few days.

Well, that was my day. It was good. It was snowing again when we came home tonight, but I have no idea what the weather will be like tomorrow. Wish us luck! Night.


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