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March 11, 2008 - Tuesday

Cloudy, but not rainy. Cooler day.


Today was okay. I had a pretty normal morning, with the exception of getting an order from FBC. More decafe coffee, plus some stain remover for my laundry. I am just having the worst time lately with stains on my clothes. I've tried the Japanese stain removers and they don't remove the stains. All my shirts, even my black ones have big marks all over them. I think it's from food and from cooking, but really I don't know. I pretreat them as much as I can. I'm digressing again.

I watched Saturday's Project Runway. Oh my goodness! That Jeffrey is a good designer but he's is not a people person. He's so rude at times. I also watched an episode of Miami CSI. It was a bit of a shocker too. I am wondering what's going to happen on that one now.

I left for the school a bit before two and made it there just a couple of minutes after two. I didn't have to shovel snow (yay!) so I set up right away. I did a bit of prepping for my student's next class, just in case we finished really quickly or she'd done the work at home. When she came, on time this week, we had fun. She's doing well. I think she's enjoying herself. I enjoy working with her too.

My other two classes went well tonight too. In my last one, I threw out the starter that I'd originally planned to use and made something up just before class. It was great! I was trying to show the importance of synonyms. The students really enjoyed it.

One of my students had to stay an extra 15 minutes after class for her ride, which meant that I couldn't get finished on time. Sigh. I was trying to get finished a bit early. Still, I was picked up just after 9 pm. We came home.

Tonight was our joint cooking attempt. Fumihiko needed quite a bit of time to make his daikon with miso sauce. He'd told me it would take 15 to 20 minutes, so about halfway through that time I started cooking the cubic meat that we'd bought last night. Earlier in the day I'd slathered some worchestershire sauce all over it. I had my meat cooked and the daikon were still hard. Sigh. So, I lowered the heat on mine until Fumihiko was ready. Poor guy.

When we finally did get to eat our dinner was very nice. We had daikon salad and cooked daikon with miso sauce, plus the coro-coro steak. It was nice. The sauce I'd put on added a nice amount of oomph to the meat. And neither of us realized that we'd just had two different kinds of daikon until we were nearly finished! The textures of the cooked and uncooked were quite different anyway. Fumihiko did the dishes and I did some cleaning!

Tomorrow some people are coming to check the fire alarms in our apartment. It's a pain in the butt to be honest. However, Fumihiko did do a bit of cleaning in his area, so tonight I did a bit in some of mine. I have a lot of stuff to clean up around my computer desk. I have mounds of stuff that needs a home. And, this year we got a warning. Last time, we'd just come back from Hawaii, Fumihiko was at work and these men just showed up at our door. Sigh. We didn't get any notice. I didn't even want to let them in!

And that was my day. Neither of us is feeling all that well. Fumihiko's throat is bothering him. He thinks it's a result of his back problem. My nose is running. I suppose being on a bus and in the big city I was bound to run across someone with a cold. I'm a little headachy and tired too. So I think I'll just post this and go to bed. Night night!


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