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March 12, 2008 - Wednesday

Sunny and warmish.


Today was an okay day really. I thought about going out by myself in the early part of the day, but didn't. I basically stayed home and caught up with my TV on Tape! I got up, watched the news, and got dressed. During the day I got a box of books back from a friend (via courier service) and they did the fire alarm inspection. I'm not sure if it's normal proceedure for them to ignore the person while they do it, but they didn't even try to talk to me. Whatever. At least this time we had a little warning so Fumihiko had cleaned up a lot of his stuff, and I had cleaned up some of mine.

When I got up I discovered that Fumihiko had forgotten to take his cell phone to work with him. That was inconvenient as he'd said he might have to work late. However, he was back at his normal time tonight. When he came home he found me watching Starman. That movie is so good. Even though the special effects aren't cutting edge anymore, Jeff Bridges's performance is terrific. Hubby had seen it before too, but we sat on the couch and watched the end of it together. We went out for dinner after that.

We talked about a few places to go, but settled on the evil place. I hadn't eaten much all day and was very hungry so it seemed like a good place for us. However, it was full of kids! A school must have had some function there. They actually weren't all that bad. We had our dinner, then went to the grocery store.

We bought a few things for the apartment and then I realized that I needed a few things for my school, so I picked them up and got a receipt for them. That's one of the most difficult parts of the whole process. I don't know what categories to use. And, tonight, I bought coffee, dishwashing liquid and floor wipes for my duster/broom. How do you categorize them?

We came home and I made Fumihiko make us some coffee. Then we watched Grey's Anatomy and then part of Project Runway, then Desperate Housewives. It was the season ender and it was good. After Fumihiko's bath he came back and we watched the last little bit of Project Runway. I think he was as disappointed as I was at who won. Oh well.

And that was about that. Fumihiko's in bed now, and I've just taken a cold pill. My nose is running and running, so I hope I can get some sleep. We took our mutual temperatures tonight and mine is higher. I don't think it's that high, but Fumihiko thinks it is. It's a Japanese thing!

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Have a good night.


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