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March 13, 2008 - Thursday

Warm and sunny.


Last night, about an hour before bed I took a cold pill. I slept all the way through Fumihiko going to work (I usually am semi awake for that), and only woke up when my alarm went off. I dragged myself out of bed, turned on the VCR and taped the channel the news would come on. Then, I fell asleep on the couch for about an hour. I was really out of it. Usually cold pills don't work that well on me, but this one really did. I felt much better when I woke up later. I was able to do some laundry and make the bed. I also watched the news. It was the afternoon before I even turned on my computer.

I didn't do anything too exciting around the apartment today. I didn't feel that well. I took another kind of cold pill and it helped a bit.

I set off for work around 4 pm, and made a bit of a stop in the drug store. I wanted some oolong tea. Oh, and tissues. I always buy the lotion tissues because they are great for colds. Well, all the drugstore had were three-packs. Ack. I'm riding my bike. They've just made it illegal to carry something in your hands while you cycle. Ack again. I crammed the package of 3 boxes in my backpack. The top one got a bit squished, but I don't think my nose will notice anyway!

Work was quite good today. I had two classes. The kids were right on time today, had done their homework and behaved very well. They seem to be enjoying themselves, and I am too.

My second class went quite well too. I didn't use the textbook for tonight's lesson. We did some reading and discussing. It was quite interesting and I may use the lesson with another student in a week or so.

After my classes I cleaned up, then did the set up for tomorrow's first class. I had to get out cards. Usually it's a big pain, but today the cards were safely in the box so it didn't take a lot of time.

Fumihiko brought me home, and after a quickish email check I started dinner. Tonight we had pork saute, green beans with ham and onion saute, and some German bread. It was good. Fumihiko said he liked it. I liked it too.

And that was that. I had a really quiet evening. We didn't even turn on the TV. Fumihiko is already in bed. I put the plastic garbage by the door for him around midnight, so the only thing I have to do now is post my entry and set up the coffee pot.

Got to go. The cold pill I just took is starting to make me drowsy! Night.


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