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March 21, 2008 - Friday

Sunny and warm.


Today was a good day. I got up at my normal time today, watched the news, and then did a quick change of channel to catch the last episode of The Sopranos. I honestly had no idea that today was the last episode! I thought there were a few more. Umm. What can I say? Nothing. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. I liked it but it wasn't what I expected at all.

I did laundry which was fine, but first I had to empty someone else's pants out of the washing machine. My hubby does his own laundry, but is a little forgetful. His pants were sitting in there with a whack of powder still sitting on the pants, so I'm not sure how much soap he'd used washing them! I had to run the rinsing cycle a couple of times to get the soap out of them.

In the afternoon I watched CSI before heading over to my school. We hadn't gone by to set the heater last night, but it didn't matter. My school gets the late afternoon sun and so it was a balmy 19 degrees in there. I did turn on the heater as I like it just a little warmer, but it was nice that it didn't need much power.

My first student came 10 minutes early (and was picked up 5 minutes late!). I hate it when students come that early. My school is so small that there really isn't anywhere to put them until class starts. He was in a good mood today so class went quite quickly and well. I gave him a writing assignment for homework. I'm curious to see if he does it. It's all from the first book, so he really should be able to do it.

I had a break so I checked tomorrow's class and then relaxed a little. I finished one magazine and then started another. Yay me.

My last class went quite well. The student and I always have a great time and she's very communicative. When she left after class I locked the door and did my paperwork. I called Fumihiko to come and get me, so he did. He arrived around 9 pm. I guess I could have made myself leave earlier, but I didn't really feel like it!

Fumihiko wanted Japanese food for dinner, so he wanted to go to a restaurant that I've never been to. Okay...fine. But, he went in the wrong direction. We ended up turning around and going somewhere else! We went to a yakitori shop that we go to once in a while. It's really good. The meat they use isn't just chicken. Apparently around here yakitori is also pork. It was good. The shop did have the TV blaring away in the background. It was some terrible Japanese movie about a kid and some ghosts. I have no idea. All the kid did was shout and I don't really understand Japanese ghosts anyway. At one point I said to Fumihiko that it really wasn't as good as The Golden Compass! He did have the grace to laugh.

We came home via a couple of convenience stores and the grocery store. We had a quiet night in after that. Fumihiko is sleeping on the couch. I should get off to bed soon as I do have to work tomorrow. Fumihiko has to take his mother to the temple/shrine/whatever for his father's grave. He got out of going on the national holiday.

Anyway, that's me for today. Have a good one! Night.


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