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March 23, 2008 - Sunday

Partly cloudy, but nice out.


We went to bed terribly late last night, and so I planned to sleep in very late. However, the guy at the bike shop had other plans. He called my husband before 9:00 am. It's Sunday today. He needs a life! Fumihiko got up, I went back to sleep. My neck was a bit sore from all of the head-banging that I did last night at karaoke!

I dragged myself out of bed a little later. Okay, a lot later. A little after noon, it was. My neck was much better. Hurray for that. Hubby was watching some of World Trade Center, but we went out for lunch anyway! We went to the Daiichi Hotel. It was okay, but not great. We were late and we still had to wait about 15 minutes to get in, so we really didn't have a long time, but we managed to eat enough.

On the way back to the school we stopped at the bike shop and picked up my new bike. It looks great. The bike shop guy set it up for me, but I didn't like the way he set it up! When I tried to bicycle home my knees seemed to come all the way up to my ears. I got Fumihiko to raise the seat and the handlebars a bit for me. The bike has a spring on the back, I guess it's a shock absorber. That will take a bit of getting used to for me. I'm not used to that style. The basket looks a whole lot more secure than the last one I had. That one used to come off while I was riding. Scary. This one is well attached, in three places. Hopefully tomorrow I'll go out and get used to it a bit.

We went in the apartment and watched the end of The Sixth Sense on TV. It was as good as always. Toni Collette, what an actress. She's so good. It's hard to believe how many different roles she's played, as she just blends in. She's not beautiful in a classical way, but she is a great actress.

We lazed around the house for ages and finally I got Fumihiko to think about dinner. We decided to go to our favourite izakaya, with another one as back up. They were both closed. We ended up parking at Mr. Donuts and walking to the izakaya in the station. We had a good meal of fish and chicken and my favourite, crab caesar salad. Yum. We paid and then went over to Mr. Donuts and had a couple of cups of Cafe-au-lait there and then left. They'd put a little sign on our window saying that we shouldn't park there so long. I told my hubby not to park there...don't blame me!

We hit the grocery store on the way home and got groceries for tomorrow. I'm going to cook. I'm thinking I'll put on a pot of soup in the morning and we can have that, plus some coro-coro steak and salad for dinner.

We had a quiet evening at home in the evening. We watched last night's Grey's Anatomy. I'm not sure about the spin-off show. Next week we'll see more of the characters. I did notice that half of the cast was on Alias!

And that was my day. I'm still reading and enjoying The Amber Spyglass. I just haven't had a lot of time to sit down and really read it.

So, I'll talk to you all tomorrow night! Ciao!


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