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March 24, 2008 - Monday



I overslept this morning and I didn't get out of bed when I planned to. Tell a lie, I did get up around 8 am for a few minutes but then went back to bed. Then I overslept.

I was a busy camper when I got up. I made soup. I'd been meaning to do it for ages, but the time was never right. I made a chicken vegetable soup with stock made from veggie scraps. I added in the leftover chicken from had been in the freezer and plunked it all in the slow cooker and let it work its magic. I also marinated the meat for dinner. I used my standby, worchestershire sauce. Gotta have my Lea & Perrins!

I watched the weekend's CSI shows and then Project Runway again. Still fun. I had planned to go out and take my new bike for a test drive, but the weather was awful. It was pouring outside.

The afternoon passed by. I relaxed and enjoyed my day off.

When Fumihiko came home we spent time together and then got ready for dinner. I was busy. I set the table, made coffee and even started cooking the meat for the second course. I looked over and there was Fumihiko sitting on the couch peeling himself a mikan. Huh? Did he not understand that dinner was ready? I snapped a bit at him. I'd worked really hard on my soup today and he was going to spoil his dinner with an orange?

Anyway, he came over and we started to eat. The soup was really good. I hadn't put any salt or pepper in it, so we did that and really enjoyed the soup. I think it'll be slightly better tomorrow. The coro-coro steak was good too. I'd used a lot of Lea & Perrins so you could really taste it. Fumihiko enjoyed the dinner and did dishes for me after that.

We had a quiet evening at home. Well, quiet until someone turned on the TV. It was really noisy and really bad, so I put my headphones on and listened to music on my computer. Later I watched an episode of Dexter too. I won't say it was fun, but it was good.

That's pretty much it. Fumihiko has gone to bed and I'm debating going soon too or staying up a bit longer and reading my book. Decisions, decisions. I do have an earlier start to the day tomorrow so I really should go to bed but....

Got to go. Night.


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